Les Chiens de Guerre

English Area => Hell Dorado - General Discussion => Discussion démarrée par: Silveri le Novembre 19, 2008, 17:03:11

Titre: Chronicles of Zaebas 3 in english
Posté par: Silveri le Novembre 19, 2008, 17:03:11
I remember at some point mr. Darth Swen was working on these, what's the current status of the project?

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Janvier 20, 2009, 20:32:01
Bugger this... as I'm doing a tourney within a month, I had to start the translation work myself to have something to play with. As I don't speak nor write french and thus have no real "understanding of the language", I used Reverso and translated the bugger paragraph by paragraph and tried to decipher the result into something more comprehensible. I'll post in this thread the results as I proceed along. Feel free to suggest and make corrections and any help would be greatly appreciated.


Chronicles of Zaebas - Season 3 - The Road to Sapience



The council of New Jerusalem intercepted letters before they could reach the Spanish Inquisition.
The carrier was caught while he embarked aboard a royal galley bound  to Seville. He was accused of treason and disappeared inconveniently in the shady waters of the Styx while he tried to escape the guards.
It was hardly safe to so deceive the allies of the pope, but the expected gains prevailed insanely over the risks incurred. A number of inquisitors were moreover allowed be convinced that we could not let a crowd of irresponsibles spread the news to Europe, because it was now seen that the christendom had just made here, down below, an essential discovery. However, there was a challenge understanding its exact content.
Several expeditions had ventured into a strange country where incandescent libraries of old books floated in the dust of heavens. Monks claimed to have found the inheritance of Constantinople that disappeared during its sacking during the fourth crusade. A hungarian captain even asserted having perceived the terraced gardens of Babylon.
At first, the council threw the messengers to prisons who made these seemingly  insane narratives. It was indeed frequent to see the climate of the hells overcoming the reason of men.We could not attest willingly to such testimonies, without risking to be deceived by the Devil.
However, after Francisco Vargas brought back to the Six the third epistle of Holy Paul to the Corinthians and the relic was studied, nobody thought of disputing its authenticity even in the name of the New Testament which contains only two. The proof seemed irrefutable. What was enclosed amogst the eternal flames, was nothing else than wealth forgotten and lost by the world, the sacred knowledge created in the name of wrath and pride during the ancient times, the realm hidden in Sapience.
A wind of greed then started to blow within the colony.

But it was already too late. The treaties made on the spot disappeared with the doors which had allowed to penetrate in this sacred ground. In a single furious run-up, we forgot all previous trade agreements with the European sovereigns and the strategic contingencies on infernal ground. A single desperate objective governed the spirit of all the generals: find the road to Sapience by all means possible.
The number of expeditions was tripled in defiance of the defences of fortified towns and the provisional lines were diverted to support the companies.
The explorers thrown into this insane race began to wonder about the nature of the lost path. It was not about these shadowy doors, faults in limbo allowing travel from a circle of the hells to another one. The gates which had revealed the way towards Sapience, had a strange architecture which did not belong to the primitive reign of the nine archdemons. It was certainly something else and it suggested the antique hand of a supernatural engineer, neither heavenly nor infernal.

This theory was soon going to be confirmed when we discovered that all other enemy camps, the lost, saracens and demons, all desired the same soil, such was the frenzy of the conquerors throwing themselves into the quarry of an unknown realm.

Several Arabic caravans had been seen by European scouts when they changed their routes, usually in secret. By tracking them, we located the relentless object of the collection.
All converged on the portal, the epicentre of the powerful rumour. The companies of four camps   fought against the others on the infernal plains. Height gauge by height gauge, every advance taken on the enemy, every allied blade in an opposing heart, every scoring bullet, every successful feint, every declarations of faith, would give a decisive advantage for the dominion of Sapience.

But this unexpected battle, here and now, was hardly a stroke of fate.
The Demons and the Lost had fought one another for ages without worrying about this realm. As for the Saracens, they had abandoned the exploration due to a host who would not delay throwing his worst at them

Only some European scholars of the fields of death wondered what strange circumstances had decreed that this iron ballet would take place at this moment and not centuries later..
Before breaches opened in Magdeburg, Seville and La Rochelle, the hells had no chronology, living in a unique time on skirmishes and feudalism. But this period was past, because the Europeans, more certainly than the Seldjoukides, raised foolishly their concupiscence(?) like a banner. By creating portals to their armies, they had filled the diabolic stream with life. The metaphysical paradox threatened the worlds.
As a symptom of a new time, the invasion had provoked the war, and the war could be won thanks to the ancestral know-how which was lying in the realm of Sapience.

If the archdevils cared about the memories of times past, they would have sworn that in the hells, they had never seen so radiant battle. The angels, their annoying champions, were divided into so many reflections as there was of demonic companies to be led to the slaughter. Before the first blood disappeared into the ground, the fifth camp showed itself. Alive and cursed, emancipated slaves who had taken advantage of the Saracen and European lines of provisioning to take the road up to the gates of glory, but who only planned to work for themselves: the mercenaries, the prostitutes of the massacres and the merciless traders of the defeats.
The first conflicts set the pace. Many died. Those who had secured the passages, sent detachments to fields suspended by the Automaton of Eternal Fire to plunder without judgement all the wealth in their reach. From the incandescence of the most invaluable treasures of humanity, were born strange small pearls which became the foodstuff that everybody wanted.
Forced by the enemy who took the rear and demanded their part of provisions with a lot of iron, the looters acted with confusion. A trooper would abandon his weapons when given the opportunity to take a masterpiece.
But no camp could claim hold to the place indeed for a long time. An unknown army broke the course of the festivities: Guardians of the land, their outlook in line with Sapience. By their number and intransigence, the officers of the companies understood spontaneously that it was not necessary to question their the legitimacy for their title. This assembly of ancestral warriors sprang from the ardent bite of all the fabulous libraries that had been sacked since the beginning of the reign of  man. Strangely, the Voyager, the singular beauty of the skirmishes, fought for their account.
They wielded the weapons and armours of the crusaders and those from Alamut recognized their former occult allies.
Those to whom they had sold Jerusalem, those with whom they had come down to the hells, continued to pursue their crusade as their just damnation which ate away their hearts.

It is necessary to understand that this brutal revelation made the Europeans and the Saracens lose taste for victory. Because this moment, which the chronologists named first battle of Sapience, the Lost and the Demons imposed them a very severe lesson of tactics. If the winners had to run away like the others, in front of inexorable advances of these Knights Templar of another age, they took with them the most invaluable secrets of their art.

But the portals did not disappear, they were not closed and, during the months which followed this battle, number of adventurous and eager captains ventured discreetly into the realm of Sapience, evading the patrols of the Knights Templar, to find treasures or their death there.

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Night Hunter le Janvier 21, 2009, 21:32:25
This is great!  Thank you!

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Janvier 23, 2009, 21:08:49
Using the Chronicles of Zaebas

To provide help to the numerous questions put by the organizers of tournaments during the previous seasons, here are some ideas to use the Chronicles of Zaebas within the framework of your leagues and tournaments.
What you hold between hands is a toolbox for an organized game and to the organizers of tournaments. We do not wish to impose a specific way of playing, or of managing tournaments, but just to give you tracks and advice based on our experiences and on the direction which we wish to develop Hell Dorado.

Context and return of results

Every Chronicle stages a new context for the game, with a new battlefield, new scenarios and an episode of the history of Hell Dorado. The scenarios are in touch with this context and allow to relive the confrontations of the various protagonists.
The return of results of these confrontations is important because it allows us to develop the historic aspect of Hell Dorado. It is thus indeed the results of your battles that direct the course of the story.
This means that these results have to be sent to us. The shape of this post is simple. You have to indicate, the identity 2 officers, the scenario and who won. For example: Vargas beat Bran Carnoth on Ambush, or Tarik scored a tie against Asaliah on Conquest.
We do not record how high in score the victories were on the national ladder. They are, on the other hand, useful locally when deciding equalities between players.

Usage in a league

The Chronicles of Zaebas were conceived for sudden meetings between 2 players; in a shop, in a club, or within the framework of the meetings of a league. Each player looks at the forces of his opponent and the scenario is drawn randomly.
The players then prepare the battlefield according to the terraformation rules and the battle can begin.
For each league, it is important that somebody keeps track on results of each battle to pass on them to Asmodée. For the national compilation of the results, every result counts for 1 (see further).

The alternative cards, strategic cards, and Prima Materiae are distributed by the organizer to the participants.
A subsidy of a league contains:
4 copies of every card of the current season (alternative card or strategic card)
10 cards of 10PM
5 cards of 50PM
1 card of 100PM
The cards of 10PM and the alternative cards are distributed to each party. Every player takes a card of his choice.
5 cards of 50 PM are given at the end of a league to the best player of each faction (Saracens, Westerners, Lost, Demons, Mercenaries).
The card of 100 PM rewards the best painted army.

Usage in a tournament

The Chronicles of Zaebas are also useful when organizing your tournaments. I repeat it: it is a tool, not a law written in stone.
For the national compilation of the results, every result counts for 2 if the tournament has 16 players or less and 3 for tournaments of more than 16 players.
Here are 3 examples for use of the contents of Chronicles:

Pair your players by the Swiss system.
When the opponents face each other on the table, they determine randomly the scenario as in the league rules.
Optionally, you can choose not to have 2 players of the same faction confronting each other.
PS: think of supplying a notebook in every gaming table.

Always by using the Swiss system, you determine and announce in advance which scenarios will be played each round. You can use any scenario of the current season Zaebas.
For the specific scenario matches, you can either make all play the same scenario (for example: round 2, everybody plays "enigmas" whatever is its faction), or decide that in a specific round, the players will have to use the specific scenario between both opponents.
Optionally, you can choose not to have 2 players of the same faction confronting each other.
PS: think of supplying a notebook in every gaming table.

We can never stress this enough: Hell Dorado is made to tell a story; that of the exploration of the hells by the living. We encourage every organizer to write a small history of the events which his tournament stages within the framework of the Chronicles of Zaebas: conquest of a very particular territory, a quest for provisions, manhunt...
Then, you select the scenarios which seem to you the most adequate (at least 1 per round, but it can be several), possibly modify them (by adding a condition for the game, secondary objectives) and collect all this information in a document to be given to the players so that they know in which sauce they are going to be eaten.
Do not hesitate to highlight the achievements of the parties involved by changes to background events like a role playing game master in order to plunge the players even more into the atmosphere.

The tournaments are endowed in Prima Materiae and in promotional cards according to the number of expected players. For reasons of clarity, announce in advance the method of distribution of the prizes. If you have rewards left over, store them for a later event.

Playing by faction

To play in a narrative tournament is also the occasion to play in a tournament not as an individual, but as a team.
The players are arranged by faction. In every round according to your narrative, several scenarios are proposed with particular objectives on certain tables. The order of the factions is determined according to the results of the previous round. In an order decided by each faction between themselves, the players of a faction position behind tables according to the scenarios attributed to each table.
At the conclusion of the tournament, a single player is not rewarded, but the faction in its entirety.

The interest of this organization is to facilitate the internal atmosphere in the factions by means of small councils of war where the players of the same faction not only choose on which table they are going to play, but they also exchange strategies on such or such opponent.

The tournaments lose in competitiveness and individuality what they are going to gain in conviviality.

Usage of the 3rd season of the Chronicles of Zaebas

This campaign setting is consists of several elements which you can mix at leisure during your events.
On one hand, you will find in the chapter 5. Realm of Sapience the terrain elements of ground and the specific zones of conflict in lands burned with Ispaha, but you can also use them as well for your friendly games to represent a variation of the burning hells presented in the rule book (Hell Dorado p. 191).
On the other hand, you will also find 5 previously unpublished cenarios which will serve within the framework of the campaign, but which can also be perfectly used during friendly games as well as the ones described in the game rules. Note however that some of them are very particular and it is advised to have a very general-purpose company and hope to play the game well.

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english
Posté par: Silveri le Janvier 24, 2009, 10:27:40
Usage of the 3rd season of the Chronicles of Zaebas

This campaign setting is consists of several elements which you can mix at leisure during your events.
On one hand, you will find in the chapter 5. Realm of Sapience the terrain elements of ground and the specific zones of conflict in lands burned with Ispaha, but you can also use them as well for your friendly games to represent a variation of the burning hells presented in the rule book (Hell Dorado p. 191).
On the other hand, you will also find 5 previously unpublished cenarios which will serve within the framework of the campaign, but which can also be perfectly used during friendly games as well as the ones described in the game rules. Note however that some of them are very particular and it is advised to have a very general-purpose company and hope to play the game well.

Rigorous thanks

It should be said straight away that Hell Dorado lives only thanks to you. Yes, I know that this makes me sound like a politician in a sticky suit and an evil voice, but nothing can be more certain.

So, due to my chronic mental and creative fatigue, three of the five scenarios presented here are the work of Team Tomorrow, a group of fanatically crazy Lyonnais who take care of the main part of our animations, demonstrations, tournaments … I have to thank so particularly Philippe Villé (alias CCCP) for his dedication and his involvement on the development of the game.

When I say that the game could not be made without you I also thank people who test, who give constructive criticism, who propose, who translate free of charge and especially you who buy our products! In brief I'd have too much for quoting everyone involved, but you who are concerned will recognize yourselves.

Implementing a scenario into the framework of a tournament

A game of Hell Dorado played within the framework of a tournament will be organized little bit differently than a game played in a private setting.


Every player has to create a legal company between 180 and 200 PA. He can choose a certain number of fighters who constitute his reserve. These fighters are said to be in reserve. The total cost of these fighters must not exceed 60 PA. There is no limit regarding the choice of the reservists (see however 2.5. Composition of the companies below). You can even include an officer in the allocated reserve. A clear and precise list must be presented to the organizer and it has to contain the basic company which the player is going to guide as well as the reserve. The value of every fighter must be indicated as well as both totals (basic company and reserve).
If a player includes more than one officer in his total budget (basic company + reserve), then all the officers have to be from the same faction.


It is essential to know which player has the Advantage and this value will thus have to be included on the list of the player's company.
Every player will calculate the sum of the command of all the figurines of his company and his reserve and the one who will obtain the highest value will be considered as having the Advantage. In case of ties, calcoulate in the same way the sum of the present scouts on both sides (company + reserve) the highest taking the Advantage. In case of new ties, fire at random.
The value of First contact (Premier Contact) of the fighters is added to the CMD during the determination of the Advantage.

During the season 3 of the Chronicles of Zaebas, the Saracen player will always have the Advantage over the other factions. In the case of two players having same faction, we shall determine the Advantage normally.

Every player announces to his opponent the faction which he steers.

It will be in a unpredictable way made (see below) or imposed by the specific structure of each tournament and the rules of matching which are used there.


Every player can use his basic company or choose to modify it by replacing fighters from his company by ones in reserve. In the end, the played company will have to be perfectly legal, its total cost in PA must be between 180 and 200 PA. If a player takes too much time to compose his company (this lapse of time is left to the organizer to decide), he can be forced to play his basic company, without any modifications.
The composition of the company is made in secret.



Certain scenarios impose a particular role to each of the players (aggressor, defender), it is at this moment when this role is determined according to the specificities of the scenario. When this is not the case, the players, beginning with the one who has the Advantage, choose their side of deployment and\or their role if need be.


Position the terrain elements specified in the scenario on the battlefield (well, abyss). The following elements of terrain will then have to be placed by respecting the possible bans on overlapping.


All the battles of the second season take place in the suffocating desert (see chapter 5.). We thus use the elements of terrain and the zones of conflict described in the homonymous chapter.
(translator's note – this seems to have jumped in without proofreading of the original, burning hells would be more appropriate for season 3)

See Hell Dorado page 179.


See Hell Dorado page 179.

During the deployment the companies are finally revealed. It is important to note that this revelation is not simultaneous but made in the order of deployment.
All of the figurines composing the company must be revealed to the opponent (including those that come into play in the middle of the game).


See Hell Dorado page 179.


The result of a game can be a victory, a defeat or in certain cases a draw. The organizer of every tournament will then at his convenience use the results to determine the challengers of the next game or the winner of the tournament.

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Janvier 24, 2009, 12:02:07
Special case: the damned rank and file

When the figurine is put on the battlefield the player who controls of the damned rank and file chooses the special capacities which it will have during the game.

Special case: experienced fighters

Certain fighters can have several profiles corresponding to their evolution in the history of Hell Dorado. These profiles distinguish themselves by date indicated next to the name of the fighter on the recruitment card.
By default, all the profiles which do not contain a date are considered as being dated 1634..
In an official tournament, a player cannot use in his company but the most recent version of the profile of the fighters. On the other hand, he can use any sculpture version of the fighter to represent him.


Throw a 1d6 and consult the following table:
1d6 Scenario
1-2 Scenario specific to the third season (see below).
3-4 Red Breaker.
5 Head-hunters.
6 The player who has the Advantage decides which scenario will be played among 3 proposed above (Red Breaker / Head hunters/ The specific scenario of season 3 bound to the faction of both opponents).

When you're playing a specific scenario in the third season, consult the table below. In the intersection of both factions, you will find the scenario which must be played.


Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Janvier 24, 2009, 18:16:08


There are many ways to move in the hells. Amongst them, we have gates, creations preceding the coming of the demons in these places and connecting realms between them.
The opening and control of these gates holds a major strategic  priority for most of the factions who fight for the control of the hells.


Before Terraformation, place the Gate and both Batteries on the playing field in the center of their respective zones.
The Gate and both Batteries are Impassable elements of terrain.
In the two dimensional  version, the Gate and Batteries are elements which cannot be simply stacked in with the others but have otherwise no effect on a particular game.
It is possible to replace them by 3D elements which will be then unbridgeable and indestructible.
The zone of deployment of the players is a square of 10 fathoms per side situated in two opposite corners of the battlefield.
The player who has the Advantage chooses which player places his fighters before the other one.


The battle lasts for 5 turns (fixed

 - Control of the Gate and Batteries.
To Control a Gate or a Battery, we add the total of the values of Faith of the fighters of every camp (except Insignificants) whose base is at least partially within 2 fathoms of the Gate or a Battery.).
The agnostic fighters (Faith 0) are considered to have a Faith of 1 for the determination of control.
The company whose thus calculated total of Faith is the highest controls the special terrain element.
In case of ties, the Gate / battery is not controlled by either party.

- Amulet of fervour.
The Amulet of fervour is a mystic object which gives a characteristic FAITH 4 to its carrier. After the deployment of both companies, every player appoints a figurine of his company (except Insignificant) which carries the Amulet of fervour. The player who doesn't have the Domination, appoints first the figurine of his company which carries the Amulet of fervour..
The figurine carrying the Amulet of fervour cannot pass it on to another figurine and if the carrier is eliminated, the Amulet of fervour is destroyed.


The objective of the players is to control a maximum of Gate / batteries.

Tie: The players control the same number or no Gate / batteries
Minor victory: The player controls one Gate / battery and his opponent none
Decisive victory: The player controls two Gate / batteries
Majestic victory: The player controls the Gate and both batteries

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Janvier 24, 2009, 18:45:35

Control of the gates is everything. Still, we need to succeed in protecting them from enemy assaults so as to secure the lines of supply allowing the support of the companies engaged in the heart of the hells.


Before Terraformation, place the Gate and both Batteries on the playing field in the center of their respective zones.
The Gate and both Batteries are Impassable elements of terrain.
In the two dimensional  version, the Gate and Batteries are elements which cannot be simply stacked in with the others but have otherwise no effect on a particular game.
It is possible to replace them by 3D elements which will be then unbridgeable and indestructible.
The deployment zone of the defender is a square of 10 fathoms aside situated in the center of the battlefield. The deployment zone of the aggressor is a band of ground 5 fathoms wide which follows four sides of the table. The defender places his fighters first.


The battle lasts for 4 turns (fixed)


Latecomers (special version)
The defender has to choose a group of fighters who will be considered as latecomers. The total value in AP of these fighters has to be at least 80 points.
The latecomers are not present on the battlefield at the beginning of the battle. Their arrival on the table is unpredictable.
During every maintenance phase after the first turn, every player who possesses latecomers can try to get them into the game. He can throw a 1d6 for every fighter; on a 5 or 6 he will come into play. During the third maintenance phase, he will come into play on 4, 5 or 6. During the following maintenance phases, he will come into play on any result higher or equal to 3.
For every fighter, the player can, before throwing the die, spend 1 point of permanent CMD to get him directly into play (without having to throw the die). He can also spend 1 point of CMD after the throw to receive a re-roll (never two re-rolls on the same throw).
The fighters who come into play are placed in contact with the Gate (except if they possess the capacity Ambush or Advanced deployment), in the normal zone of deployment of the player and outside an enemy zone of control. They activate normally during the action phase of the current turn. A fighter who has the capacity Advanced deployment or Ambush can use it when he comes into play.


The players have to obtain the strategic control of the deployment zone of the defender in the end of round 4.
A draw will be considered as a minor victory for the defender in the end to determine bonuses and special matchings for the following round.

Draw: Nobody has the strategic control of the defender's deployment zone
Minor victory: Strategic control AND between 1 and 35 AP's worth of survivors more than your adversary
Major victory: Strategic control AND between 36 and 85 AP's worth of survivors more than your adversary
Majestic victory: Strategic control AND more than 86 AP's worth of survivors more than your adversary

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Lemminkäinen le Janvier 26, 2009, 11:10:43
Absolutely brilliant! :)

Will you be making a beautiful pdf out of all that (with the relevant pictures, maps and tables from the French file) or shall I?

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: AndrewGPaul le Janvier 26, 2009, 14:38:38
I was going to do English versions of the maps and terrain rules, assuming I can get photoshop to import the PDFs properly. However, I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to do that (also, I was going to start with Season 1, not 3 :) )

Silveri, do you mind if I were to suggest alterrations to the English text? There's a few bits that read oddly to me.

Titre: Re : Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Janvier 27, 2009, 15:09:47
Silveri, do you mind if I were to suggest alterrations to the English text? There's a few bits that read oddly to me.

Feel free to do so, they probably feel strange to me too. Especially the fluff didn't handle quite so well, but hopefully the translations of the later parts work better.

@Lemminkäinen, nakki lankeaa sulle - en jaksa PDF:iä ryhtyä enää taittelemaan. Tee hiano.

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Février 03, 2009, 14:32:46

The realm of Sapience is now under the control of the Knights Templar, as all the factions have by now bitterly learnt. It is possible for small groups of infliltrators to steal treasures of knowledge, but nevertheless the templar armies watch and attack with unstoppable power upon the looters without prior warning.


The deployment zone is a band 5 fathoms thick starting from the player’s side of the battlefield.
After Terraformation and before the deployment of the companies, every player places alternately (beginning the one having Advantage) 1 "Parchment of sapience" token on a band of 10 fathoms thick situated in the center of the battlefield (see card(map)). These tokens must be spaced out by at least 4 fathoms from the others and cannot be placed in impracticable ground. We thus position 8 "Parchments of Sapience".


The battle lasts for 5 turns (fixed)


Parchments of Sapience

Parchments of Sapience are light objects, modified by the following special rules:
- A free non-insignificant fighter ending his movement in contact with a Parchment of Sapience can collect it at once as passive action;
- The same fighter can carry several Parchments of Sapience;
- Every Parchment of Sapience carried by a fighter imposes him with a malus of -1 DEF;
- A fighter carrying at least one parchment can no more be affected by the orders Shield of Lust (Bouclier de Luxure) and Wall of Blades (Mur de Lames) and by the orders of immediate movement (March of shadows (Marche de l’ombre), A Heart without Criticism (Un coeur sans reproche), If I can allow myself (Si je peux me permettre), Change of circle (Changement de cercle), Grenade of Repulsion (Grenade de répulsion));
- A fighter carrying at least 1 Parchment of Sapience cannot be affected by the Controlled state;
- A fighter eliminating an opponent during a close combat can get at once all or any of the Parchments of Sapience which were carried by the deceased.

Charge of the Templars

Beginning with the first round, at the beginning of the maintenance phase of every round (at once after the roll for zones of conflict but before stage 1), from the rightwise edge of the player having Domination in the beginning of battle (see map), the width of the ground is reduced by 5 fathoms.
Every fighter thus being outside the battlefield (even partially) is killed at once.
In that case, the possible objects which he carried are removed from the game.
Reminder: a fighter cannot voluntarily go out from the battlefield to be eliminated.
If a token representing a Parchment of Sapience which was on the ground thus is left outside the battlefield, the player having Domination replaces it, if possible, on the ground, in the zone of deployment of the parchments, and at least 2 fathoms away from other Parchments of Sapience and fighters.

At the end of the game, count the number of Parchments of Sapience carried by non-Insignificant fighters.

Tie: Both control the same number of Parchments
Minor victory: A player controls 1-2 Parchments more than his opponent
Major victory: A player controls 3-5 Parchments more than his opponent
Majestic victory: A player controls 6-8 Parchments more than his opponent

The Voyager

If the Voyager is under the rule of the head of the templar army which holds control within the Realm of Sapience, she remains nevertheless remains a mercenary in her soul. She thus can accompany small groups of fighters who come plundering under nose of her own bosses …

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Février 03, 2009, 21:28:21

Immense treasures of knowledge are accumulated during the course of centuries within the Realm of Sapience. The knowledge of just the existence of these immense treasures instil greed to everyone.


In the beginning, place a token of wealth in the middle of the table.
Then. before placing the fighters and beginning with the player who has the Advantage, the players  place alternately and one by one 6 tokens of wealth on the battlefield in the central zone (represented by a band of 4 fathoms wide in the middle of the table, parallel to the zones of deployment). No token can be placed within 2 fathoms of another token or an edge of table. Then, by beginning with the player who has the Advantage, each player can move (a maximum of 2 fathoms) a token of wealth per each fighter in his company which possesses the capacity Scout.
The zone of deployment of every player is a band of parallel ground 5 fathoms from his edge of table. The player who possesses the Advantage chooses which player places his fighters first. No fighter can be placed in contact with an object.


The battle lasts for 5 turns (fixed)


Tokens of wealth are heavy objects.

Heavy objects
A fighter has to be in touch with the object and make a Concentration action to be able to take it.
A fighter who carries a heavy object is affected by the following penalties: -1 SHS, -1 CBT and -1 DEF, cannot charge, run or flee. To drop a heavy object is considered to be a passive action. To give a heavy object to an allied fighter in contact, it is necessary to make a Focusing action. A fighter can carry only a single object, either heavy or light. If the bearer of an object dies, this last one is placed in the place where the bearer was at the time of his death.
An object on the ground is flat and doesn't interfere with movements. An object carried by a figurine is removed from the battlefield and placed on the recruitment card of the fighter which transports him.
An Insignificant fighter cannot carry objects.


At the end of the game, count the tokens of wealth controlled by eacb player.
All the the tokens count that are either in the zone of deployment of the player or are carried by any of his non-insignificant fighters.

Tie: Both control the same number of tokens
Minor victory: A player controls 1-2 tokens more than his opponent
Decisive victory: A player controls 3 tokens more than his opponent
Majestic victory: A player controls 4+ tokens more than his opponent

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Février 04, 2009, 13:13:16

The knowledge accumulated in the Realm does not simply exist in the shape of books and scrolls, but also under the more surprising forms: liquids to be ingested, strange monotonous chants escaping from brilliant stones, ghostly projections …


The deployment zone of each player is a band of ground 5 fathoms thick parallel to their side of deployment. The player who has Domination chooses which player places his fighters first.


The battle lasts for 5 turns (fixed).


The Fountain of Sapience is a circular element 4 fathoms in diameter positioned in the center of the central square of the battlefield. It counts as difficult ground. Furthermore, every fighter who is in the fountain undergoes a penalty of -2 DEF, until they leave the fountain. A fighter who is simply in touch with the fountain, without penetrating there, is not affected by these modifiers.
In every maintenance phase, a tear of knowledge passes by the fountain. The player who has the strategic control of the central zone (in case of ties the player who has domination wins) attributes this tear to a non-insignificant fighter situated in contact of or in the fountain and not already carrying a tear. If no valid target is present, the tear is lost.
The tear is not transferable and disappears if its bearer dies, is put in the ground, or is immobilized.
The bearer of a tear can consume it to immediately gain 5 Points of Life as a free action. This action is not an order. A bearer who has thus destroyed his tear can again be appointed to carry one in a future round.


At the end of battle, the player who possesses the greatest number of fighters still alive, carrying an intact tear and situated in a zone other than the central square wins the battle.

Tie: No tears or equal number of tears
Minor victory: A player controls 1 tear more than his opponent
Decisive victory: A player controls 2-3 tears more than his opponent
Majestic victory: A player controls 4 tears more than his opponent

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Février 05, 2009, 20:46:00

The control of the reserves of knowledge is as important as the conquest of those of opponents.


The deployment zone of each player is a band of ground 5 fathoms thick parallel to their side of deployment. The player who has Domination chooses which player places his fighters first.


The battle lasts for 5 turns (fixed).


Before Terraformation, every player positions an element of difficult terrain representing his altar within 6 fathoms from his edge of the table and centred horizontally (see map). This element is the size of a recruitment card and a has height of 1 fathom.
During Terraformation, no impracticable terrain can be placed within 2 fathoms from either of the altars.
Before the deployment of troops, every player appoints secretly two non-insignificant fighters of his army to be the chosen. He records in writing his choices (in case of identical profiles within his company, he notes a distinguishing feature such as the position or the colour of painting to identify exactly these fighters).
When a player brings one of his chosen fighters into contact with the enemy altar, he has to reveal it at once.
If a fighter who had been appointed as one of the chosen is eliminated before he has been revealed, he is revealed at once.
It is possible to rise on an altar, but every fighter who is on an altar at the time of the maintenance phase undergoes 5 points of damage ignoring protection. A fighter simply in touch with the altar does not suffer damage.


In every maintenance phase, a revealed “chosen” fighter, alive, and in contact with the enemy altar awards 1 point of conquest to his controller.
The elimination of an enemy “chosen” fighter awards 1 point of conquest regardless whether the fighter was revealed beforehand or not.

Tie: No points or equal number of points of conquest
Minor victory: A player has 1-2 points of conquest more than his opponent
Decisive victory: A player has 3-5 points of conquest more than his opponent
Majestic victory: A player has 6+ points of conquest more than his opponent

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Février 05, 2009, 21:24:00

The gathering of knowledge naturally doesn't prevent the infernal fighters from risking everything to eliminate their most threatening opponents.


Each player has two zones of deployment that are squares of 10 fathoms aside and are situated in the opposite corners of the battlefield.
The player who has Advantage chooses which player places his first fighter in one of his zones of deployment (of his choice).
Then, the second player places one of his fighters in one of his zones of deployment (of his choice).
Once this has been done, the players will, alternating turns, place one of their fighters in the zone of deployment opposite to the one where they previously placed a fighter.


The battle lasts for 5 turns (fixed).
If a player kills the last independent controlled by his opponent, the game ends immediately.


- Bonus in heads
During the determination of Domination during the maintenance phase, every fallen independent counts as two fighters.
If a player has no independents in his company, his officer is then considered as an independent towards determining the conditions of victory for this scenario.


The victory is determined by the number of eliminated opposite Independents.

Draw: The same number of killed independents
Insignificant victory: A player kills one independent more than his opponent
Decisive victory: A player kills 2 + independents more than his opponent OR kills all enemy independents
Majestic victory: [ A player kills 2 + independents more than his opponent OR kills all enemy independents] AND All the independents of his company remain alive

The levels of victory and Tarik

When a player fills the conditions to activate the order "The blood of kings" of Tarik, he can choose one of the following three possibilities:
Win at once the battle with Decisive victory;
End the battle at once by deducting normally the objectives of the scenario (it will not be victorious thus necessarily);
-Pursue the battle normally without benefiting from the effect of the order "The blood of kings"

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Février 05, 2009, 21:53:39

It is always possible to position 3D elements on the 2D printouts of the elements of terrain or simply to replace these last ones. In that case, the specific rules of blocking of lines of sight, differences of height and unbridgeable elements have to apply according to the nature of the 3D elements besides the specific rules applied to the 2D version.


The realm of Sapience is an immense territory taking many different aspects. However, the region in which the factions fight in the hells is mostly similar to a burning hell, decorated with some small local specialities.


Difficult · Overlapping · Radiating (Consumed · Fire · 1/5)
The ground of this zone is covered with uncountable manuscripts seeming to waste away eternally.

Thick volutes of ash rise from the ground and come to block the lines of sight.

The areas of incandescent lava block the passage of the travelers.

Special · Opaque
High piles of manuscripts block the lines of sight of the fighters. In these places, the passages bounded by manuscripts defy the laws of understanding.
When a free fighter arrives in one of these elements of terrain, he can immediately be transported into any other element of present terrain of the same type on the battlefield (but outside contact and outside zone of control of an opposite fighter) and begin his activation anew there.


The wide faults of these lands are like scars of so many forgotten fights.

Difficult · Opaque
High stalagmites of black stone rise towards heavens like titanic daggers of obsidian

Cursed (Faith · Troopers · Affected) · Special
Calcified bodies are strewn upon immense acres of a soiled and hostile land where spirits wander.

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Février 06, 2009, 15:07:03

Overlapping • Blocking • Radiating (Berserk) • Sanctified 2 (Combat)
Clouds of a strange toxic surround the fighters, disturbing them with visions of slaughter and death.

Colossal blocks of rock disturb the movements of fighters.

Damaging (fire)
Big areas of incandescent stones burn careless travelers who would dare to venture there.

Difficult • Radiating (Natural talent 2) • Opaque
The fighters who walk in these places benefit from the wisdom of vast number of military works written during the course of the centuries.


Special • Opaque
Vast ruins of forgotten libraries extend as far as the eye can see in an anarchical way within this realm.
This element is placed in a certain way. To be able to be chosen, both opponents have to place a recon token of value 4 on the central zone of the battlefield. In that case, they can choose unanimously to place the the terrain element Cathedral of knowledge. If one or several players refuse to place this element terrain, the rules regarding the zones of conflict will be normally applied.
All the present fighters on the battlefield benefit from a bonus of +1 CBT.
If a player has tactical control of the central zone of the battlefield and his officer is in this element of terrain, he will have then the possibility of using the following order:

Passive • -1 permanent CMD
Until the end of the current action phase, all the opposite fighters are considered as Unbelievers and thus have a FAITH value of -.
3D elements (walls x4) must be placed on this 2D element, to disturb movement and lines of sight.

Difficult • Radiating (Slow motion) • Radiating (Regeneration) • Radiating (Immunity to fire) • Special
Peaceful oases around a well of a fresh and coo) water allow temporarily rest to bodies and souls.
The fighters in this zone benefit at once from the special capacities Regeneration and Immunity to  fire that are lost when they leave the zone.
The peace well allows removal of all Consumed states of a fighter which (including the long-lasting states) can be affected if he is on this element during a maintenance phase. Exceptionally, the Consumed states disappear before they can apply their normal damages.

If peace wells are havens of rest, the wells of lava are places where the most belligerent can win power to the detriment of their allies.
If a fighter spends two consecutive maintenance phases on this element and the player who controls himchooses to spend 2 points of permanent Command, he acquires up to the end of the game capacities and modifications that apply to the following characteristics: +1 MOV, +2 CBT, +1 FAITH, Immunity (fire), Regeneration.
If this fighter is killed, he causes at once 2 points of damages to all the members of his company (surpassing Protection). Only one fighter by company can be affected by the well of lava at any point.

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas campaign in english?
Posté par: Silveri le Février 06, 2009, 21:22:24


Strange ambient rustles are heard in the Realm of Sapience. It happens from time to time, however,  that these rustles are intense enough to disturb even the most hardened spirits.
When this zone of conflict is activated, the player who has Domination chooses an independent or an opposite trooper who becomes Controlled. His opponent chooses then an independent or an opposite trooper who becomes Controlled. The cost in AP of this fighter must be lower or equal to that of the first chosen fighter.


Violent storms of fire evoked by the conflicts of human history beat down upon the travelers by chance crossing this part of the country.
If the zone of conflict is activated, all the present fighters on the battlefield suffer at once 1 point of damage (surpassing Protection) except if they are immunized against the fire. For the duration of the round, all the fighters are considered as being Accelerated. The difficulty of all the shots increases by 1 (maximum 6). The effects of the zone of conflict stop at the end of the round.


From time to time, the ground itself seems to defend itself against the parasites who walk on it.
If the zone of conflict is activated, choose randomly one of 9 zones of ground. All the fighters situated in this zone undergo the same damages as if they were in the area of effect of an explosion (3/2 · Fire) and all the survivors are affected at once by the state Consumed (Fire · 1/5). A new zone is determined at random at every release of the zone of conflict.


Phew. I'll give the responsibility of putting this into PDF form to Mr. Lemminkäinen and he will provide a link here to the file.

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas 3 in english
Posté par: Lemminkäinen le Février 07, 2009, 10:42:32
I'll try and get it done on Monday.

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas 3 in english
Posté par: Lemminkäinen le Février 09, 2009, 12:57:24
It's up!


Any comments / feedback is welcome.

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas 3 in english
Posté par: Silveri le Février 09, 2009, 13:42:53
As I've already let you know, it is missing some of the corrections that I've made since the posts into this thread (that are included in the file I sent you). But thank you lots!

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas 3 in english
Posté par: Lemminkäinen le Février 09, 2009, 14:12:39
I was kinda hoping you wouldn't notice (yeah, right  :P ) as using the .rtf would've meant doing the whole layout again. How crucial are the differences/additions?

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas 3 in english
Posté par: Silveri le Février 09, 2009, 14:32:36
Not really crucial so they won't need to be done now. Mostly they're minor corrections (AP instead of PA for instance, some spelling errors and consistency in terminology).

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas 3 in english
Posté par: Silmarilias le Février 11, 2009, 08:56:49
any chance of the PDF version being downloadable please to print out ??, i can read the above link but don`t seem to be able to save it to print at a later stage

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas 3 in english
Posté par: Silveri le Février 11, 2009, 11:27:33
There's a button labeled "Download" there. I have to admit that you'll have to look for it a bit.

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas 3 in english
Posté par: Lemminkäinen le Février 11, 2009, 21:02:18
Aye, they changed their layout and now it is extremely confusing. I probably should use some other similar site, but have been too lazy to look for/register to one.

Titre: Re : Chronicles of Zaebas 3 in english
Posté par: Silmarilias le Février 12, 2009, 10:52:31
Ok thanks guys got it sussed, will not download with a d/load manager or least the one i`m using anyway.