Les Chiens de Guerre

English Area => Hell Dorado - General Discussion => Discussion démarrée par: lapiaz le Mars 26, 2008, 09:05:25

Titre: Game in pictures
Posté par: lapiaz le Mars 26, 2008, 09:05:25
(http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g262/lapiaz/th_hellgame003.jpg) (http://s58.photobucket.com/albums/g262/lapiaz/?action=view&current=756dfde2.pbw)

this is a slide show of the last game I played againts  a friend ...  he was using the  sarracens starter I was using all the Mercenaries models available , using  Quichote as the oficer. Gotta love charisma 2 .
  the  Danme troupiers  were isue with the combat defensive 3  option, wich  was a game saver,  as  they reduce a lot the efectiveness  of the Sarracens  ...  Alazias  the black widow  was amazing   Drain the vie allowed me to soft the big targets before finishing  them up ...  The golem was a  waste ..  being Mis au sol by the panther in his first activation and rolling buckets of  snake eyes ...
  manage to steal  one of the aura from the Djin  with a lemure as well . Gotz  was really unlucky on his debut figth , he manage to stun  a pillar  and make all the  independent  slow for a turn  but the guy was rolling 1 and 2  the whole game  so he die  to quick ...

The Voyaguese  was a  killing machine  combat defensive , talent inne  and the charisma from quijote  make her the most efective  model at combat ...  and to top up  the regeneration  help her to stay alive ...   and because  the merc never loss  the domination  she have terror  so most of the time the oponent was rolling one dice  againts her  and she was rolling  5

the sarracens  gamble all their comand point to fast  making the pillar  better and  rushing the assasin, (shadow walking) on the first turn  without Comand poits for a vae victis , againts the  Damne. Wich was saved  by a miracle (combant defensive 3)
the Emir use his special order to give +2 to defense  on the next turn  running out of comand points  after rushing his troopers into the combat   they become  hard to  hit but  with time and the charisma2  they went back to their original  defense value and start dying .

Gotz ability ,making all the independent  ralenti (slow),  is quite good as it force the  troopers to move  also  this mercenary company  still have space for an extra  troper  wich give the company a 18 to the domination ... no bad  at all