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Auteur Fil de discussion: New Jerusalem?  (Lu 8090 fois)
Old Dwarf
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Messages: 2

« le: Décembre 28, 2009, 00:11:11 »

OK I'm trying to catch up on the Fluff available in English but something
still puzzles me   Where in the Hell is New Jerusalem?

I take it's located in Hell or is just it's underground that is in Hell?

Also the Westerners Faction-if Portals exist in Germany,Spain
& France are the areas of Hell adjacent to these Portals
controled by those countries or does the waring powers
of the 30 Years War simply break down in Hell & their
all simply Westerners?

Can't wait for a real English Edition  Grimaçant

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A Dwarf in Winter
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Messages: 183

« Répondre #1 le: Janvier 02, 2010, 10:54:28 »

Hi OD,
New Jerusalem is simply located in Hell near the main portal that opened from Germany. It's a big above 'ground' town, but it does have some tunnels underneath where the new Claustrophobia game is located.
The main European countries take a break from the 30 year war reportedly because of the threat, but really to make as much money as possible from the resources found in Hell. That's how you can get both Protestants and Catholics in the same company, the old enemies being the new allies in Hell (which is not extraordinary as in Europe everyone has been at war then allied then at war ... with everyone else at one point or another in history).
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Saracen, lost, demons, mercenaries, and one timeless traveler...
Old Dwarf
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Messages: 2

« Répondre #2 le: Janvier 02, 2010, 13:30:12 »

THANK YOU Grimaçant Corto-this gives the information I was missing.
I 'm a big fan of Skirmish Games & now that HD will available
in the US I'll probably get into it.

The theme is interesting but I could not get the the full
idea behind  the Fluff.I just purchased Claustrophobia  & am
looking forward to getting it on the table as a warm up
for HD.

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A Dwarf in Winter
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Messages: 183

« Répondre #3 le: Janvier 04, 2010, 09:57:58 »

You are welcome. The fluff is really well done, and the non-French speaking community are missing quite a lot. I hope the translation comes soon and we can give Hell Dorado a second birth.
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Sarrasins, égarés, démons, occidentaux, mercenaires, et un voyageur sans age...
Saracen, lost, demons, mercenaries, and one timeless traveler...
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