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Auteur Fil de discussion: Templars  (Lu 4829 fois)
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Messages: 6

« le: Novembre 01, 2008, 17:03:12 »

A couple of articles on this site (that I can't find now) have mentioned a new 'sub-set' of mercenaries on the horizon, namely the Knights Templar. The banner art for Mercenary articles also has a very Templarish looking figure on the left hand side:

There was also something about the Voyageuse being one of their number, and having been charged with leading their army. Has anybody heard more?
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Messages: 58

« Répondre #1 le: Novembre 03, 2008, 15:20:14 »

No, but I'm intrigued!
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Grand Démon
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Messages: 503

« Répondre #2 le: Novembre 04, 2008, 16:48:34 »

The Templarish looking figure is actually the illustration of Gilles de Rais in the Rulebook  Clin d'oeil
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Ambassadeur Infernal
Grand Démon
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« Répondre #3 le: Novembre 04, 2008, 20:53:24 »

There was also something about the Voyageuse being one of their number, and having been charged with leading their army. Has anybody heard more?

I think you're talking about the 3rd "script" (sorry if it isn't the right term) of the 3rd season of the Cronicles of Zaëbas : "The red breaker" in witch the "Voyageuse" was at the head of a templar army to put out off the "Wize Kingdom" the others factions.

Peharps this answer could help Clin d'oeil
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Grand Démon
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Messages: 552

DS Delivery' Service

« Répondre #4 le: Février 04, 2009, 16:40:42 »

Note that the introduction of the Templar inside the mercenary faction has also been confirmed by Ravage (French specialised magasine - a trusty reference)
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Occidentaux 23/487 (4.7%) - Démons 0/461 (0 %) - Sarrasins 62/484 (12.8 %) - Égares 0/388 (0%) - Mercenaires 147/456 (32.2%)
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Messages: 11

« Répondre #5 le: Février 05, 2009, 20:40:03 »

hi i've noticed that The Voyaguese has the temple sogn on her breast plate and also 30 coins has similar symbol on face mask, so maybe the templars are coming, but also they could already be here
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Messages: 166

« Répondre #6 le: Février 06, 2009, 11:36:24 »

The templars already are featured in the Chronicles of Zaeban campaign 3 and the Voyageuse is one of their commanders.
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...and I try to quieten them... the voices in my head and convince myself that I was right - and the dice had to be burned
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