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Auteur Fil de discussion: Secret from an Old Man  (Lu 7331 fois)
Grand Démon
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DS Delivery' Service

« le: Juin 16, 2007, 00:30:07 »

Find bellow the translation of an article from the official website. Enjoy

Four centuries spent in Hell. It’s a long time, isn’t it? Now imagine what the “Old from the Mountain”  could make when he understood he wasn’t getting older anymore…What an opportunity!

He was before a new world to discover and to rule. More important, he was standing where no believer has ever come, close to the Truth. The Gate to the Heaven. What better quest than this one for a believer like Hassan ibn al-Sabbah.

Hassan ibn al-Sabbah ordered his hashishins to explore everywhere. Around his fortress first, and finally deeper and deeper. He meticulously collected information regarding this world: Thousand of maps, reports, descriptions, and layout. He also studied local plants and started to use them for medication or alchemy. He observed wildlife, including daemons, and concentrated on resources from the earth, specially the Prima Materia. Hassan ibn al-Sabbah quickly understood the importance of this substance and immediately tried to exploit it. A library regrouping all his researches and maps is hidden in a wing of the new fortress.

Reports keep coming everyday from each corner of the Hell. And every day the “Old from the Mountain” carefully listened his men giving their results.

After one century Hassan ibn al-Sabbah already had a precise idea of the different “circles” which composed Hell. He understood the way Great daemons and fallen angels were ruling there kingdoms, and the political conflicts…But he still didn’t find the “Gate to the Heaven”. He had some indications of its existence but nothing to localise it. Then Hassan ibn al-Sabbah decided he couldn’t success alone. He tired to contact the residents by sending emissaries. Lot of them never came back. Some returned with pacts or accords giving free access to some defined area, or with knowledge in a specific domain…in exchange of human lives. It wasn’t a problem for Hassan ibn al-Sabbah because with so many Mongols, Mamelouks and Seldjoukids entering in Hell to collect the Prima Materia, he disposed of many lives to sacrifice. He managed to always attract them by developing their interested in this source of power. He succeeded: they never saw the betray behind his offer.

Different factions of Musulman came in Hell and no one understood that the “Old from the Mountain” had already decided of their destiny. And even if they managed to triumph of the war, they will not survive to their quest to control the Prima Meteria.

Another century later the «Old from the Mountain » realized that, even if he perfectly knew the Hell, he didn’t progress. He needed something to go further. In fact he felt he had loose something: The purity of his Faith. Then came the Osman, wise and strong. Hassan ibn al-Sabbah understood he will not be easy to control so he choose to serve him rather than be defeated. He had to wait to got an opportunity…

And it is exactly what the Ottaman were, an opportunity for Hassan ibn al-Sabbah. Indeed among all these men, wise and totally devoted to their religion, there will be probably one with a faith pure enough to help him to achieve his quest. When it will happen Hassan ibn al-Sabbah will be behind him to thank him and to declare his what he was looking for during centuries. Today, protected in his fortress, the “Old from the Mountain” waits and listens his men. He waits. There is no rush. He waits. He knows that one day it twill happen. And this day he will be there.

For the hashishins and the Nizârites, regardless the quest of their master, there is a new danger: they are loosing influence in their territories. Ottomans, mercenaries, lost…there had never be so many factions in Hell. That makes harder to stay in charge. Hopefully for the hashishins the strangers need their knowledge to survive…until when?

« Dernière édition: Juin 16, 2007, 00:32:05 par Darth-Swen » Signaler au modérateur   Journalisée

DARTH-SWEN, Acheteur obsessionnel, Peintre occasionnel
Occidentaux 23/487 (4.7%) - Démons 0/461 (0 %) - Sarrasins 62/484 (12.8 %) - Égares 0/388 (0%) - Mercenaires 147/456 (32.2%)
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Messages: 9
WWW Courriel
« Répondre #1 le: Juin 16, 2007, 12:12:56 »

Saraccens are the Ottomans I assume ? or are the Ottomans just part of the Saraccens , them consisting of groups of different times coming from the same era ?
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Messages: 8

WWW Courriel
« Répondre #2 le: Juin 16, 2007, 16:53:54 »

I think it's the second one. Sarrasins are they all (for example in the starter box we have one hashashin and a lot of Ottomans... I suppose) but the Ottomans are the biggest group inside the Sarrasin faction.

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