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Auteur Fil de discussion: [Official] Questions for Geof  (Lu 4479 fois)
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Messages: 410

« le: Septembre 09, 2009, 21:59:31 »

Geof has offered (through CCCP) to answer questions the community might have about the future of the game (background, 1635 profiles), organized play,... I propose to do the same thing here for the non-French speaking community, translate your questions, and send them along to CCCP so he can include them in the ones he submits to Geof.

Here are the rules:
- your question must call for a simple answer (yes/no or up to one line of text);
- you have until sunday 09.20 to submit your question (and the earlier the better since I'll have to translate them before submitting) - Geof will answer them on the 21st;
- please only ask questions in this thread;
- also please make sure your question hasn't been asked already.
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[Official] tags indicate unofficial translations of official rulings.
mathieu thérézien, durham, NC
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Messages: 45

« Répondre #1 le: Septembre 10, 2009, 14:55:14 »

can we ask about Minis?
If so.... "Will the alternate Saracen Assassin see release?"
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Messages: 282

« Répondre #2 le: Septembre 10, 2009, 18:21:27 »

"will seperate english card sets be made available to buy as a faction set?, as alot of players will want all english cards for their existing minis and printing cards for free although useful puts alot of people off"

"are there plans for new factions in the near future?"

"will there be an official helldorado tournement scene and support?"

"will the PM system remain and if so what news on the starter set alternative minis, will they ever see release?"
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Messages: 54

« Répondre #3 le: Septembre 15, 2009, 20:58:13 »

Thank you Mathieu for the work. Here are my question:

1. Once it was mentioned that two novels were written. Are they going to be released still?

2. Even if there are no official tournaments to go along with it, any chance that something such as the Zeabas-Campaign will continue? I loved it.

3. Some time ago it was hinted at the possibility of 54mm miniatures / busts (only meant for painting) - any hopes such thing might be produced in the not too distant future?

4. Cipher Studios mentioned they might remove some 'provocative' artwork / texts. Will the french versions stay unaffected?

5. You(Geof) seemed to have a very strong of view on how the game is meant to be. You gave an outlook on the future of HD before the dire news of asmodée's decision to stop publishing HD. Do you think you can follow that vision still given the changes due to the new publisher?

6. Will the "égares/lost" still get the ape aspect? (I think I read somewhere the last reinforcment was already meant to be one but due to the uncertain future at that time another lizard-type creature was made)
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Messages: 410

« Répondre #4 le: Septembre 20, 2009, 15:34:05 »

I posted your questions along with the ones already posted in the thread of the French section. I took the liberty to remove the ones that had already been asked there (no need to ask the same thing several times since Geof will go through all of them), so no worries if you think one of your questions doesn't show in my post Sourire

I'll try to have Geof's answers translated and posted soon after he gives them.
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[Official] tags indicate unofficial translations of official rulings.
mathieu thérézien, durham, NC
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« Répondre #5 le: Septembre 21, 2009, 15:50:21 »

[mod] Ok, the french topic is now closed, so no more questions will be ask to Geof. The answers will come soon.[/mod]
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- Tournois de l'AJFV
- "La démocratie je l'emmerde, ici vous êtes dans ma maison. Dans la rue vous faites comme vous le sentez, chez moi vous mettez les patins ou vous restez dehors" (Geof)
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