Les Chiens de Guerre

English Area => Hell Dorado - Rules => Discussion démarrée par: Kaneda le Décembre 02, 2007, 20:13:50

Titre: Prestige
Posté par: Kaneda le Décembre 02, 2007, 20:13:50
A model with Prestige ability may enroll in company models of other factions (Rossinante has Prestige for Westerners and Saracens).
But can Rossinante enroll only west ans sarac troopers or also indipendents?
In second case, che eventually CMD of indipendents can be used for enlarge the max limit of troops in general or also of the specific factions (like CMD of mercenaries indipendents join in a non mercenries company can be used only for enroll mercs troop)?

Titre: Re : Prestige
Posté par: BeBert le Décembre 02, 2007, 21:22:46
1/ A model with Prestige may enroll models which means troppers or independents.
2/ The CMD of an independent may always be used for mercenary troopers, if they come from another faction it may also be used for troopers of this faction.