Les Chiens de Guerre

English Area => Hell Dorado - General Discussion => Discussion démarrée par: Dogmeat le Mars 11, 2008, 14:45:41

Titre: Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 11, 2008, 14:45:41
Just wondering what kind of numbers I could drag up for a Hell Dorado tournament ...

I`d probably go with a 200points swiss tournament setting.  Date and time would be when most people could attend, most likely a Sunday.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Tobyn le Mars 11, 2008, 16:15:10
I would be up for it depending on if i could get a lift.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 11, 2008, 16:20:08
Whereabouts would you be coming from ?

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: lapiaz le Mars 11, 2008, 19:32:47
London   as well as me

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 11, 2008, 22:04:08
Wow.  Bit of a trip.   :o

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: lapiaz le Mars 11, 2008, 22:30:38
yes it is a bit far  for a  gaming day  :P.  a two day event would be a bit better   we  went to one  last year  can't remember the  name  it was really bad organized  ,IMHO , but there were lots tournament  games been played ...

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 12, 2008, 09:17:47
Not sure if there`d be enough interest for a two day tournament.  Guess it depends where its located.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Bork le Mars 12, 2008, 10:14:16
depending when it was id try to make it but i work every sunday so id need about a months notice so i could take the day off work.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: TGN-Grant le Mars 12, 2008, 10:16:36
I may be interested, but I'd probably need to see terrain rules etc before I played in a tournament (i.e. after a full rulebook release).

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Bork le Mars 12, 2008, 10:32:11
there is a few players up north its just getting them all together at once. the annual manchester tourney at fanboy3 could easily get 8-10 players with about twice that number who played but couldnt make it. at the moment i know of about 5-6 helldorado players in or around manchester but a few of them ive not heard from in a long time.

if we have one i'll make sure i can make it though even if its only a handful of us playing for fun.  ;D

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Tobyn le Mars 12, 2008, 14:01:35
It is a long trip but i have friends in Manc, so a weekend up there is fine and its only 2 hours on the train.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 12, 2008, 14:18:46
Thinking about it, would be people be more interested in a structured tournament or more of a free-form campaign day type thing.

I`m assuming most of us wouldn`t be 100% on the rules so something a bit more relaxed might be in order.

Titre: Re : Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: TGN-Grant le Mars 12, 2008, 14:39:22
more of a free-form campaign day type thing.

This one for me.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: lapiaz le Mars 12, 2008, 15:30:16
if tobyn make it  you guys have the rules sorted as he  know them by heart now ... 

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Bork le Mars 12, 2008, 16:38:12
im up for anything as long as i get a few games in im happy.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: lapiaz le Mars 12, 2008, 19:05:56
  with a bit   notice I could make it  as well .   

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Tobyn le Mars 13, 2008, 13:15:06
I happily take part in either event type

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Newbie_From_Hell le Mars 15, 2008, 23:42:57
I'll come its only a train ride away :)

I was kinda thinking about setting something up at wargames workshop (milton keynes) as its pretty central

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: lapiaz le Mars 16, 2008, 13:11:42
aye  milton is a better  one as that mean the  lot from london can make it  without to much trouble . but  i would go  to Manchester  if one is played there ... 

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Bork le Mars 16, 2008, 18:09:50
milton keynes would be out of the question for me but manchester is fine.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: jackyphoenix le Mars 20, 2008, 13:42:50
Anyone up for a friendly game at Fanboy3 Manchester this coming Monday afternoon?

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Bork le Mars 20, 2008, 14:22:19
dammit im working or i would have  :-\

Titre: Re : Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 20, 2008, 14:38:02
Anyone up for a friendly game at Fanboy3 Manchester this coming Monday afternoon?

Already made plans for a gaming sessions and unfortunately the buses are rubbish then too ...

I`m up for pretty much any night though.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: jackyphoenix le Mars 20, 2008, 16:10:17
Anyone object to have a regular event/league on Tuesday from 17:00 at Fanboy3, Manchester? I will discuss this with the shop owner…
I will have to go around 19:30.

I was at Fanboy at lunch time… everything is in… expect Demons stuff…  :-[
But if any was sent to Fanboy, they would be in my bag by now… ;D ;D …

Titre: Re : Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 20, 2008, 16:19:54
Anyone object to have a regular event/league on Tuesday from 17:00 at Fanboy3, Manchester? I will discuss this with the shop owner…
I will have to go around 19:30.

I was at Fanboy at lunch time… everything is in… expect Demons stuff…  :-[
But if any was sent to Fanboy, they would be in my bag by now… ;D ;D …

I would guess that five would be pushing it for most, with a lot of people only getting out of work at that time.  Could make it for six.

For some reason I didn`t think Fanboy would be getting Hell Dorado in.  I`ve noticed a definate steering more towards CCGs and collectables than miniatures.  Ah well.  That`ll teach me to order online.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: jackyphoenix le Mars 20, 2008, 16:33:21
Six should be ok… I will be leaving work early to make five… ‘Phil’ whom work there is playing, I am sure I can give him a game first.

Fanboy have most of the mini games… Warmachine, anima, infinity and many others that I don’t play…+ now Hell Dorado…Expect anima and infinity, Fanboy have regular event especially Warmachine and Hordes

So... will you be able to make next tuesday?

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 20, 2008, 17:19:54
As in the Tuesday after Easter Monday?  Probably not to be honest.  Don`t get paid until the 28th.  Any time from then on is good for me though.

I was in the other day looking around.  Guess its just me being stupid and going at weekends while all the kids are there.  That combined with a lot of the people moving around a lot and there not having been many tournaments (for things I play) over the past few months.

As a side note, you`d probably know (ish) me to look at me.  Played you in the semi at the Manchester Dreamblade 1k.  Thats assuming you`re who I think you are anyway.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: jackyphoenix le Mars 20, 2008, 18:11:38
I know who you are.. I recognised your email address…

Which faction you play?

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 20, 2008, 19:08:56
Demons all the way.  When they turn up anyway.  Bought the box set months ago from France.  Just ordered all the reinforcements too.

Very tempted to get the Westerners too.  Havn`t fully decided on that yet though.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Bork le Mars 21, 2008, 12:01:37
do it you know u want to.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Flipper19 le Mars 21, 2008, 16:22:13
That said if anyone wants a few games against the Morgan Freeman wannabe's just drop into Fanboy on any other day than wens and sat.  Damn you robin hood for making me like moors...

Titre: Re : Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 21, 2008, 17:02:58
... drop into Fanboy on any other day than wens and sat.

You`re there a lot then ?   ;D :P

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Metropolis le Mars 21, 2008, 21:58:19
I'd be prepared to travel if given enough notice and especially if I could convince some of the other Glasgow players to travel down. Travelled to Paris to play cards once... Busy til mid April though

Ron @

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Flipper19 le Mars 23, 2008, 12:46:51
It kinda happens when you "work" in the shop. I use that term in the lose sense of the word ;D.  But yeah game on on most days if you want.

Titre: Re : Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 23, 2008, 12:56:52
It kinda happens when you "work" in the shop. I use that term in the lose sense of the word ;D.  But yeah game on on most days if you want.

I`m guessing Phil ?

Been a while since I`ve been in for more than a cursory glance at stuff.  Trying to get back into gaming now that I`m (finally) in a job that pays *and* doesn`t have silly bugger hours.

Titre: Re : Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: AndrewGPaul le Mars 23, 2008, 15:09:33
I'd be prepared to travel if given enough notice and especially if I could convince some of the other Glasgow players to travel down. Travelled to Paris to play cards once... Busy til mid April though

Ron @

Hey, Ron. 

Yeah, if anyone else is up for it, I'd be interested, too. It's closer than Northampton, which is my current record for travelling to a tournament.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: jackyphoenix le Mars 24, 2008, 22:58:07
Dear all,

See link


Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 31, 2008, 15:40:07
Anybody going up to game tomorrow ?

Booked a random day off so I`ll most likely be there about 5ish.

Titre: Re : Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Avril 01, 2008, 17:11:03
Anybody going up to game tomorrow ?

Booked a random day off so I`ll most likely be there about 5ish.

Mmm ...

Since nobodies replied and the weathers atrocious I`m going to stay at home.  Pointless travelling to sit by myself.   :'(

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: jackyphoenix le Avril 07, 2008, 13:21:46
Sorry man...
I was a my MBA workshop last weeks for 6 days (In Hell) so much work to do...and I have a essay to hand in next week.

It will be unlikely I would make tomorrow either... But Phil's there, he had painted his army already...


Titre: Re : Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Avril 07, 2008, 13:41:13
Sorry man...
I was a my MBA workshop last weeks for 6 days (In Hell) so much work to do...and I have a essay to hand in next week.

It will be unlikely I would make tomorrow either... But Phil's there, he had painted his army already...


I definately won`t be there tomorrow.  Got a doctors appointment and its hard enough getting those around work times as it is.  My stuffs all built so I might have a go at painting this week ready for next.

Titre: Re : Tournament in Manchester, England
Posté par: Dogmeat le Avril 14, 2008, 12:49:41
So, who`s likely to be there tomorrow ?

Got my stuff ready to play and no other pressing plans ...