Les Chiens de Guerre

English Area => Hell Dorado - General Discussion => Discussion démarrée par: Eldorado le Mars 16, 2008, 20:29:25

Titre: Army Lists
Posté par: Eldorado le Mars 16, 2008, 20:29:25
Maybe I've missed it but I haven't seen any army lists/tactics being posted in the English area...especially Sarracen related.

Titre: Re : Army Lists
Posté par: 2.0 le Mars 16, 2008, 22:47:02
I play Sarasin only, but I'm still fiddling with what works to come up with anything solid yet.  I'm coming close with Tarik though  :)

Titre: Re : Army Lists
Posté par: Dogmeat le Mars 17, 2008, 00:30:35
The figures have only really recently (as in the last few days) been available in England so I doubt many have played too many games.  Coupled with the limited number of releases so far it doesn`t give too much choice.

Titre: Re : Army Lists
Posté par: lapiaz le Mars 17, 2008, 09:04:54
my group have played a lot as we got into the game  almost from the start ....

thing i found  with this game is that there are  several combination possible  all revolving arround of who your leader is  in the company and all  work if you have a cunning mind .
other thing is that the terraformation part it really  can aid or completly screw your battle plan ...  some conflict zones are just  devastating ...  if i have time I will try to post soe of the list I play

Titre: Re : Army Lists
Posté par: Bork le Mars 17, 2008, 22:51:14
initially im going to use this list to start me off with my demons. based on what i know of the rules (not a whole lot) i think the list could do ok and has some synergy behind it. its got its blockers and holders along with its powerhouse combatters led by a decent healer. its difficult to get too complex with so little released but in 6 months time or so when there is more choice there should be some really interesting lists flying around.

Faction: Demons
Army Points: 199/200
Domination: 16
CMD Points: 7

Great demon of anger
Demon of gluttony
2x dammed of anger
3x demons of sloth