Les Chiens de Guerre

English Area => Hell Dorado - General Discussion => Discussion démarrée par: maksa le Mars 28, 2008, 08:39:27

Titre: My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: maksa le Mars 28, 2008, 08:39:27
Hiya all!

I finally got around to painting my Sarracen army. Well, a part of it anyway.
Lots of other projects going on, finishing my Tau and Classic Marine armies for an upcoming tournament, and I bought a bucketload of Babylon 5 miniatures from Mongoose, as they're discontinuing "A Call to Arms". Last chance to get those..

Anyway, here they are:

 I'm probably not going to do much decoration to the bases, as I like to keep them simple. Too "busy" bases steal the focus out of the miniatures.

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: Junkenstein le Mars 28, 2008, 09:35:56
NIce, thatst he army Im probably getting. ;D

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: AndrewGPaul le Mars 28, 2008, 09:43:36
Vey nice.

This isn't a criticism, more of an observation. So far, all the painted examples I've seen here are pretty much copying the colour shcemes of the box set. Has anyone seen any other ideas? (I'm trying to resist the temptation to paint my djinn blue :) )

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: Bork le Mars 28, 2008, 10:10:30
lol ive just finished painting my djinn blue this very morning  ;D

im going for a much darker colour scheme, deep blues, greys and black mainly, i dont want my arabs looking like laurence of arabia in gleaming white robes, there in hell and they have been there for a while, i want em looking dark and brooding.

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: maksa le Mars 28, 2008, 10:55:11
I liked the "official" Sarracen colours, so I didn't find it necessary to invent my own colour scheme.
For me, 75% of painting time is spent on figuring out colours to use. It's a LOT faster to just look at the cards/box art and use those colors exactly. Makes for a more relaxed painting experience, as you can concentrate on the painting itself, and not "waste" time on staring at the mini, trying to picture it with different colour schemes..
Still, if I don't respond to the official colours, I'm going to invent my own. In Starship Troopers I didn't like the green armours, so I painted them blue. And for my 40k Marine army I didn't love any of the official chapter colours, so I created my own chapter.

If you want to see HellDorados painted a bit differently, you should check www.coolminiornot.com .There's a lot of cool new ideas there.

Oh, and here's my miniature gallery, if you want to check out other minis I've painted.

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: AndrewGPaul le Mars 28, 2008, 11:14:21
Oh, I wasn't criticising; a lot of my armies are copied from the box art :) It was just that your models raised the question in my head, that's all.

Bork, if I paint the djinn blue, I'll need to remodel Layla's hair to have 3 bands holding it in a ponytail, replace the panther with a tiger, and give Prince Tarik a magic carpet and a monkey in a fez instead of that eagle :)

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: Bork le Mars 28, 2008, 11:22:18
u must at the very least do the monkey in the fez idea, coolness.

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: AndrewGPaul le Mars 28, 2008, 11:25:18
Well, I know where I can get a baboon with a spear, but it has no fez :(

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: Dr.Mercury le Mars 28, 2008, 12:16:43
I know where you can get a monkey with a pistol. A fez should be no big challenge

Titre: Re : Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: 2.0 le Mars 28, 2008, 17:20:38
Vey nice.

This isn't a criticism, more of an observation. So far, all the painted examples I've seen here are pretty much copying the colour shcemes of the box set. Has anyone seen any other ideas? (I'm trying to resist the temptation to paint my djinn blue :) )

Sorry, already beat you to it...


Titre: Re : Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: mathieu le Mars 28, 2008, 18:11:59
Has anyone seen any other ideas? (I'm trying to resist the temptation to paint my djinn blue :) )
Here are a few from either monthly painting contests or threads in the painting section:
Holy warrior (http://arch01.forum.helldorado.fr/index.php?topic=1589.msg17203#msg17203)
Blue Jinn (http://arch01.forum.helldorado.fr/index.php?topic=1128.msg11200#msg11200)
Reddish Jinn (http://arch01.forum.helldorado.fr/index.php?topic=600.0)
Natural (human) skin tone Jinn (http://arch01.forum.helldorado.fr/index.php?topic=421.0)

Titre: Re : Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: Breten le Mars 28, 2008, 20:15:20
Vey nice.

This isn't a criticism, more of an observation. So far, all the painted examples I've seen here are pretty much copying the colour shcemes of the box set. Has anyone seen any other ideas? (I'm trying to resist the temptation to paint my djinn blue :) )

I've seen some painted with a blue and white scheme, but I can't seem to find them right now.  They were done by someone with a familiar name from what I remember.  I keep thinking Cheeba actually.

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: maksa le Mars 30, 2008, 11:04:43

Just a small update - just finished my emir, and added him to the image. That miniature was the biggest reason why I chose sarracins as my main faction.

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: lapiaz le Mars 30, 2008, 12:01:37
yep, he was the reason why a choose the sarracens  as well  but not as main faction  ;)

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: Bork le Mars 30, 2008, 20:35:54
likewise. love the sculpt. ive started painting my saracens this week, working on my blue djinn right now. my missis spoilt the image a bit when she said it looked like the genie in disneys aladin  :P

Titre: Re : Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: 2.0 le Mars 30, 2008, 21:08:26
likewise. love the sculpt. ive started painting my saracens this week, working on my blue djinn right now. my missis spoilt the image a bit when she said it looked like the genie in disneys aladin  :P

Sad to say, that was actually the point of my blue one  :)

Titre: Re : Re : Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: Syphwyn le Avril 10, 2008, 16:59:48
Has anyone seen any other ideas? (I'm trying to resist the temptation to paint my djinn blue :) )
Here are a few from either monthly painting contests or threads in the painting section:
Holy warrior (http://arch01.forum.helldorado.fr/index.php?topic=1589.msg17203#msg17203)
Blue Jinn (http://arch01.forum.helldorado.fr/index.php?topic=1128.msg11200#msg11200)
Reddish Jinn (http://arch01.forum.helldorado.fr/index.php?topic=600.0)
Natural (human) skin tone Jinn (http://arch01.forum.helldorado.fr/index.php?topic=421.0)

The blue Djin is stunning, really well painted. I also really like the last link with the human skin tone merging

Titre: Re : My first Helldorado miniatures
Posté par: Prince-Turhan le Avril 12, 2008, 02:11:21
Hiya all!

I finally got around to painting my Sarracen army. Well, a part of it anyway.
Lots of other projects going on, finishing my Tau and Classic Marine armies for an upcoming tournament, and I bought a bucketload of Babylon 5 miniatures from Mongoose, as they're discontinuing "A Call to Arms". Last chance to get those..

Anyway, here they are:

 I'm probably not going to do much decoration to the bases, as I like to keep them simple. Too "busy" bases steal the focus out of the miniatures.

Really nice work, I'm still waiting for mine :(

But definitely "Top Banana"!