Les Chiens de Guerre

English Area => Hell Dorado - Rules => Discussion démarrée par: Larkin Vain le Septembre 19, 2007, 07:16:42

Titre: Question on Officers, Command Points and Domination
Posté par: Larkin Vain le Septembre 19, 2007, 07:16:42
I just need some clarifications on how some things work.

How does it work? Can you have more than one character with the Officer rank but one must be declared as an officer? Or can you only have one model with the Officer rank. Also what are the engagement levels and how many officers can you have for each level?

Let me know if this is right. Domination = Officer CMD + Independents CMD + 1 for each model in my company, excluding  Insignificants.

Command Points
How do permanent and temporary command points work.

Thank you in advance for whatever clarification can be given.

Titre: Re : Question on Officers, Command Points and Domination
Posté par: Gendhil le Septembre 19, 2007, 07:57:04
- You can only play one officer model.
- Your formula for Domination Factor is correct.
- Temp CMD is spent for the turn but will return at next turn's upkeep phase. Permanent CMD is spend forever, IE is deducted from your total commandment value. Note that losing any model with a CMD value will immediatly reduce your CMD total by that much. You don't need to track which CMD points belong to which model, it's all in a big pool.

Hope this helps.

Titre: Re : Question on Officers, Command Points and Domination
Posté par: Lemminkäinen le Septembre 19, 2007, 08:04:01
In the basic game you can have just one model of Officer rank.

You got the Domination correctly.

Command points - in the beginning of the game you calculate your permanent CMD-point pool (just add up all the CMD values in your force). At the start of every turn, you get temporary CMD-points equal to the value of your permanent CMD-pool.

When you use an order that uses up temporary CMD-points, you subtract them from the temporary pool.

When you use an order that uses up permanent CMD-points, both, your temporary and your permanent pools lose the amount of points that the order costs. So at the start of your next turn you get fewer temporary points when they fill up again. If you don't have enough temporary and permanent points to use a given order, you can't use it.

Last, when a model of yours dies, check if it had a CMD value. If it had, subtract that amount from your permanent CMD-points.

Hopefully that was of help  :)

Edit: Me is slooooow.

Titre: Re : Question on Officers, Command Points and Domination
Posté par: Larkin Vain le Septembre 19, 2007, 08:20:35
Thank you both for the clarifications. Greatly appreciated.