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Auteur Fil de discussion: Best Demo forces  (Lu 2819 fois)
Night Hunter
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Messages: 32

« le: Septembre 09, 2008, 00:29:20 »

What have people used for demos- are they using the full box sets-
I am wondering if I should start simple- no lemurs, etc.. and just go with combat and some Auras??

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Messages: 407

« Répondre #1 le: Septembre 09, 2008, 13:48:11 »

If you just want a short game in order to show Hell Dorado mecanismes, you may use light companies.
Remove officers and other minis to keep only 120 points.
You will miss some command points so add 3 points to independent total (since you haven't any officer).

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Venez-jouer à Hell-Dorado au sein de la Ludothèque de Boulogne-Billancourt !
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Messages: 33

« Répondre #2 le: Septembre 16, 2008, 00:03:55 »

Obviously it depends on how long you want to take for the demo, and what your audience is, but we've demoed HD at 3 shows now and are basically using the starter sets. The shows have been gaming shows, so the basics of playing are generaly understood, and we always explain that the full rules will not be used (e.g. zones of control). But we've used lemurs, auras and atrillery with good success. Demos take about 1 hour.

The basic rules are really so simple to pick up that we've had people returning for a second demo against a friend, with little input from the 'expert' required. All age ranges are entralled by the game with many going off to buys starter sets and/or figures.

We also point everyone to this forum (and the UKCORD one as we demo for them and wholesaler SMG in the UK).

Next demos will be at Gamesfest and Warfare.

Clousseau & Oshova
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