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Auteur Fil de discussion: Hell Dorado in the UK  (Lu 7922 fois)
Grand Démon
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Messages: 552

DS Delivery' Service

« Répondre #15 le: Mars 07, 2008, 14:33:23 »

I had great service from the Grand Blup. It will be much easier to persuade friends to buy from a UK shop than a French one though (plus supporting UK business is good).
I also had great services from this French shop (good prices, fast delivery, perfect communication) so I am quite reluctant to change now.

No offense but I would be more than happy to make business with UK dealers if they could propose the same quality at the same price. Unfortunately it is currently not the case...
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DARTH-SWEN, Acheteur obsessionnel, Peintre occasionnel
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Messages: 11

« Répondre #16 le: Mars 17, 2008, 12:35:32 »

Unfortunately the price of the Euro, discount from Asmodee and bulk shipping charges from France all mean that the prices are not as we would like them to be and they should be about 10% cheaper - and will be if the £pound picks up against the Euro again.

We have had to go with a RRP in the UK that we know we can actually afford to do without making a loss (we make no profit on the main boxes unless the exchange rate improves). At least this way the prices remain stable and there will be plenty of shops in the UK able to stock, demo and promote the range even if it is slightly more expensive than from a foreign mail order source. 

We can only hope as we continue to grow the range through the retailers we can obtain a better discount from Asmodee and the exchange rate gets back to the 1.4 /1.45 stage  - if this happens we can start dropping the prices  Sourire. Compared to most places we are on a par.   
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Messages: 128

« Répondre #17 le: Mars 24, 2008, 15:20:48 »

Will there be any possibility to buy starter figures as singles in the future? Judging by some of the responses I got on the UKCORD forum, there are a fair number of players and painters who would jump into the game if they could just get some of the troops and independents they really want rather than whatever comes in the box.

... of course there is a risk of sitting on some less popular figures but with a price scheme offset to take their desirability into account this could prove a useful scheme to discourage customers from purchasing from abroad. What I mean is that if you can't compete on price alone then added service is where the answer may be found.
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Messages: 351
« Répondre #18 le: Mars 25, 2008, 00:05:13 »

I have to admit I`ve been tempted to buy the Demon starter again for the spares.  I`m sure I could ebay off the Asaliah to a painter.

Buying as singles would be nice though.

You can still get the singles using the Prima Materia tournament points but we`re yet to see if those are coming to the UK or not.
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"A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit"
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