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Messages: 396

In vermiis veritas

« le: Juin 16, 2007, 10:23:56 »

Here is an attempt to translate the text written by Sandy Julien for the official site, about the Egarés. I will refer to them as "The Lost Ones".

The lost ones are small independant groups. They are former doomed ones who lost their lord or willingly abandoned him.

They tend to reject all notion of demonic hierarchy, no more considering themselves as luciferians and not recognizing demons lords as their autority anymore. Thus, the patterns of their physical evolution in the very hell is different than those usually followed by enslaved demons and doomed ones.

The reasons of their rejection are various. Sometimes, they have so much loyalty toward their former lord that once he is destroyed, they refuse to have a new allegiance. On the contrary, sometimes they rose up against their master and they fled to avoid a battle against a larger ennemy. But in many cases, those doomed creatures had no choice but to become independants, the invader of their land wanting to destroy them and to turn them back to lemurs after their defeat and the other demons lords not wanting to start a conflict by accepting their allegiance and welcoming them on their land.

This way, the lost ones slowly founded a cast apart, born from the millenial feudal wars among demons lords. They formed very mobile small groups having various aims. There is no coherency between those groups, no leader able to gather them all. However, if they can be considered as a specific cast, it's because their common trait is to live outside of the demons hierarchy. They don't consider themselves as luciferians anymore, but it doesn't mean they lost their essence.

Locally, lost ones fellowships have alliances with Ottomans or Europeans equally. They act as mercenaries who sell their services as guides, scouts or simple reinforcements to a fellowship in the isolated places they live in. Moreover, they also have links with the demons, as well to reinforce a luciferian fellowship fighting another demon, to guard doomed ones or to organize some original entertainment like arena fights. In exchange, the lost ones ask for a passage right or, on the contrary, the assurance that no fellowship will walk a land they want to keep as a peaceful area.

Through this, the lost ones leaders have behaviours that are not exclusively individuals. On the one hand they can have alliances with anybody, on the other hand they always try to obtain and keep lands that have no lord or master so that they can go freely. Considering this, all the lost ones follow the same direction. Although they are nomads, they still have control on some roads and they can join the ennemy of the one who want to conquer a free land.

Because of this, it looks like there are concerted movements of the lost ones fellowships. From lands without masters, they move to places where demons lords have battles. They harass the winners so that they cannot get control of the now ruined lands and they enlist the slaves of the losers in their ranks.

Thus, this cast gets power and number from desolation.
« Dernière édition: Juin 16, 2007, 11:10:59 par Chrysalis » Signaler au modérateur   Journalisée

Ibant obscuri sola sub nocte.
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Messages: 9
WWW Courriel
« Répondre #1 le: Juin 16, 2007, 12:30:54 »

thanks for translating,
it makes a bit more sense now, initially I tought it might have been more fitting if the names of the demons and the lost were the other way round (the lost looking more demonical and the demons look more fallen/lost etc. to me, apart from the red horned guy.)
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Messages: 25

« Répondre #2 le: Juin 18, 2007, 06:47:21 »

THanks for the translation!

I decided to play the Lost, but I wasn't clear on their background. This makes a lot of sense and makes me more happy I picked this group to be my primary warband.  Clin d'oeil

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Messages: 17

Its me, Platypi

« Répondre #3 le: Juillet 31, 2007, 20:17:34 »

Grate stuff, thanks for translating this as i dont speak french and lost one will be my main faction.

i dont want to spam this messa to every thread about the lost ones so thanks for the:
Bran Carnoth,The Slinger and for the The Retiarii
and if you do request the hound and the crocs wod be nice Clin d'oeil
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Messages: 396

In vermiis veritas

« Répondre #4 le: Juillet 31, 2007, 21:11:24 »

and if you do request the hound and the crocs wod be nice Clin d'oeil

Well, I will happily translate anything Asmodée puts online about the Lost. But I feel like translating stuff from the book on this board would be a mistake...(unless I'm told differently, of course  Clin d'oeil)
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Messages: 17

Its me, Platypi

« Répondre #5 le: Juillet 31, 2007, 23:30:11 »

and if you do request the hound and the crocs wod be nice Clin d'oeil

Well, I will happily translate anything Asmodée puts online about the Lost. But I feel like translating stuff from the book on this board would be a mistake...(unless I'm told differently, of course  Clin d'oeil)

btw enyidea when the book is translated to english?
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Messages: 396

In vermiis veritas

« Répondre #6 le: Août 01, 2007, 09:20:37 »

From what I've been reading here and there, there was a rules translation almost ready. But it was more than a month ago, and there was no news about it...As for the short stories, I don't even have a clue  Indéci

Edit: We were just announced that there will be decisions about a translation after the Essen Toy Fair and the US GenCon...
« Dernière édition: Août 01, 2007, 14:57:33 par Chrysalis » Signaler au modérateur   Journalisée

Ibant obscuri sola sub nocte.
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Messages: 57

« Répondre #7 le: Août 01, 2007, 23:17:56 »

Edit: We were just announced that there will be decisions about a translation after the Essen Toy Fair and the US GenCon...

So...basically...if you're attending GenCon Indy, bring your Hell Dorado minis and play them a lot! In front of Asmodee employees is key, but anything to spread the word and generate more interest is ideal.  Grimaçant
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Messages: 17

Its me, Platypi

« Répondre #8 le: Août 02, 2007, 17:11:23 »

Have be spreding the info in PP forum, and as for  GenCon Indy, i will come if someone pays mys trip (form finland to us)  Grimaçant
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