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Auteur Fil de discussion: Invulnerable and special rules triggert by hits  (Lu 3124 fois)
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Messages: 14

« le: Avril 04, 2009, 22:57:57 »

Hello everyone, another day, another question.

We have encountered a problem where we aren't sure how to handle the situation.
Invulnerable says that, regardless of what the damage table says, you only inflict one damage point per hit. What about special rules like "Life Drain" If the weapon table says "Life Drain 2", would you inflict only one damage point and the opponent regains one? If so, what about an entryl saying "1+ Life Drain 2"? Still only one damage point, and if so, does your opponent regain it or not?
I hope someone out there can help us.
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Ambassadeur Infernal
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« Répondre #1 le: Avril 05, 2009, 22:06:21 »

If the weapon table says "Life Drain 2", would you inflict only one damage point and the opponent regains one?
If so, what about an entryl saying "1+ Life Drain 2"? Still only one damage point, and if so, does your opponent regain it or not?
I hope someone out there can help us.

Don't remember such a table, but in case : Takes only 1 dammage, and no life drain (first damage is the "1", not the "life Drain 2" )
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