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Messages: 8

« le: Mars 19, 2008, 18:25:20 »

Just read that there are going to be Buddhists.
Does anyone have any idea when?

Just cancelled more order with Arcane for some demons, because I want to wait, but dont want to be waiting months Indéci
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Messages: 282

« Répondre #1 le: Mars 19, 2008, 18:54:10 »

its going to be months mate. there hasnt been an official release date for anything yet but judging from the preview schedule asmodee posted up recently there isnt going to be anything even in preview form by may. so maybe we'll begin to see stuff closer to summer all being well. if u want to play in the meantime id proberly just pick up your demons and paint them up while you wait.
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Messages: 351
« Répondre #2 le: Mars 19, 2008, 19:18:16 »

My guess is that they`ll come out at roughly the same time as the Sphinx and Akkyshan.

Bah Humbug!
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"A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit"
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Messages: 201

« Répondre #3 le: Mars 19, 2008, 19:21:23 »

NaH!  the first book  still have a few model to be released and them  the english book  ,so a  late summer  esarly atum  seem more  likely ... 
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Messages: 38

« Répondre #4 le: Mars 20, 2008, 00:32:37 »

I'll be happy if they come out late 2008.  Such an awesome idea.
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Messages: 396

In vermiis veritas

« Répondre #5 le: Mars 20, 2008, 09:06:00 »

Theorically, all the characters from the base book will be out after this summer. Then, we'll have some brand new characters during the autumn, whose stats will be available only through their cards until the realease of the new book in early 2009. In this book will be campaign rules as well as the new buddhist faction.

It means that we could get the buddhists between this autumn and... somewhere in 2009 or 2010, depending on the number of characters in the new book. However, I feel like we will probably have an early buddhist base box.
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Ibant obscuri sola sub nocte.
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Messages: 38

« Répondre #6 le: Mars 21, 2008, 23:18:41 »

I don't have the French rulebook yet (on order), but will all of the remaining characters be accounted for with the most recent announcement for upcoming previews?
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Messages: 396

In vermiis veritas

« Répondre #7 le: Mars 22, 2008, 07:06:14 »

I don't have the French rulebook yet (on order), but will all of the remaining characters be accounted for with the most recent announcement for upcoming previews?

You mean, will all the remaining characters be released by the end of April? No. I think there should be another ave in June, and a last one in August.

Then, completely unknown new characters during the Autumn!  Grimaçant
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Ibant obscuri sola sub nocte.
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Messages: 38

« Répondre #8 le: Mars 23, 2008, 00:21:55 »

Thanks, that's exactly what I meant.  After re-reading my post, it's a wonder you were able to decipher it! 

It is cool that it is their intention to release a model for every miniature in the book.  I'm very excited to get the book and see what else is on its way. 
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Messages: 201

« Répondre #9 le: Mars 23, 2008, 12:53:07 »

the demons , westener and sarrasinn have  all their officers done allready selling everywhere

the westener still have two independent  and a trooper to  be released ...  the independent will be out in april  leaving the fencer  for may
sarraceens troopers Bibukin  will be released in april  and the last two independent  may
demons  will have the Vanity??? demon and great demon  this april  leaving the luxury and Chair???  fro may

the lost may need  two waves  to finish  as one oficer and an independent  and two troopers are still to be released

leaving the Merc that still have like 8 models to came out .

so even if they  put two model in a box per faction as  they have been doing   the merc  will  have 6 other model still to be released  so probably 3 other waves  so my  estimate is late august to finish every entry in the book  ,,,  we don't know how many other special  out of the book we will get  so I don't see any budisth  coming out  until  september at least...

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Messages: 38

« Répondre #10 le: Mars 23, 2008, 16:23:41 »

Thanks for the information Lapiaz!  Is the final officer for the Lost ones, Etruscilla, for the bird/crow subfaction within the Lost?  I think I saw this name in the Asmodee answers on TTGN.
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Messages: 201

« Répondre #11 le: Mars 23, 2008, 16:35:47 »

yes, that's the name
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Messages: 8

« Répondre #12 le: Mars 24, 2008, 02:16:03 »

Thanks guys for the answers. Guess Im just gonna have to wait. I have more than enough Conf and Hordes stuff to be getting on with in the mean time.
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