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Auteur Fil de discussion: Oh my good God the miniatures are fantastic !  (Lu 4646 fois)
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Messages: 58

« le: Avril 16, 2008, 17:10:48 »

My Mrs ordered me some Hell Dorado, I was interested mainly because they looked pretty with the thought lurking in the back of my mind that I would probably never play (my group tend to be stick in the muds whenit comes to new games) - so she ordered me some Sarrasins (as I have a big Arabian Nights fetish) and Isaia & the Golem (the Golem myth is another big favourite of mine).

I sent links to my Gaming buddies, "just to see" if I could tempt them - and I was (sort of) surprised by the results. There are four of us who game every week together, and they are ALL getting Starters!

Though I am not new to miniatures gaming (I have miniatures in my collection older than most peoples Houses Lol) I am totally new to Hell Dorado and this Forum.

My Models arrived yesterday, and
OH MY GOOD GOD THE MINIATURES ARE FANTASTIC - I have to say - I can't wait to get some more, they are truly inspirational.

I never got 'properly' into Confrontation, though I have some miniatures - and Warmachine/Hordes started out as fun - but became 'broken' very quickly IMHO as it degenerated into a Power Gamers 'sic' Fest . . . .

I've skimmed the English rules, but that doesn't give a real 'feel for how a game plays - so (I only ask as you guys on here seem so very friendly) how does it play (I don't mean mechanics now, more of a 'vibe' description is what I am after).

So, there we are - another new (old?) recruit!
« Dernière édition: Mai 03, 2008, 03:42:07 par Doctor-Warlock » Signaler au modérateur   Journalisée

The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper . . .
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Messages: 351
« Répondre #1 le: Avril 16, 2008, 17:20:34 »

Only played one game but the general vibe I got was ...

Combat is brutal.  Things can die quickly.
Theres no one-sided combat.  Both things tend to get hurt.  If two powerhouses square off then theres a very good chance both will die.
A lot of power seems to lie in models supporting each other rather than something stomping on its own.
Armour is strong but tends to be worn by weaklings. 
It seems balanced.  Admittedly only one game under my belt but that one game was very very close.

Whereabouts in England are you ?  Theres a tournament in Manchester later this month with official prize support.  Should be a laugh.
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"A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit"
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Messages: 282

« Répondre #2 le: Avril 16, 2008, 17:26:09 »

welcome to hell!!  Grimaçant

im awaiting my first "real" game myself but ive played a few mock rounds once or twice to get the hang of it. my first impressions were very good. it plays in a way not to differant from confrontation3 i thought. faster paced and pretty bloody but with a great depth to it, the abilities/orders/auras etc add a level of detail that makes the game for me. the magic system i like too and isnt overpowered and ridiculous like it was in C3, it makes an impact but it doesnt rule the game. there tends to be alot more "working together" with your army aswell, everyone has their place and can operate well by themselves to a degree but some models truly shine when working with others. saracens especially i found benefit from this synergy.

on the whole its fast paced and brutal, the rules look more complicated than they are at first glance but its actually incredibly easy (that doesnt make the game bad at all) also the table is pretty small and you dont need alot in the way of space or scenery to have a game.

good to see a continual stream of new players psyched about the game/minis.

welcome to the forums
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Messages: 58

« Répondre #3 le: Avril 16, 2008, 17:28:05 »

Whereabouts in England are you ?  Theres a tournament in Manchester later this month with official prize support.  Should be a laugh.

Unfortunately a little too far away to make that viable atm!
« Dernière édition: Mai 03, 2008, 03:41:01 par Doctor-Warlock » Signaler au modérateur   Journalisée

The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper . . .
Grand Démon
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Messages: 552

DS Delivery' Service

« Répondre #4 le: Avril 16, 2008, 17:37:06 »

Whereabouts in England are you ?  Theres a tournament in Manchester later this month with official prize support.  Should be a laugh.

Unfortunately a little too far away to make that viable atm!
That is interresting because if you're far away from Manchester you seriously increase the chances to be close to me  Roulement des yeux

And that could be a good news

So I ask you again: Whereabouts in England are you ?

PS: Could you also change your font colour. Purple is fun but definitively not the best colour with a black background.  Tire la langue
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DARTH-SWEN, Acheteur obsessionnel, Peintre occasionnel
Occidentaux 23/487 (4.7%) - Démons 0/461 (0 %) - Sarrasins 62/484 (12.8 %) - Égares 0/388 (0%) - Mercenaires 147/456 (32.2%)
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Messages: 32

« Répondre #5 le: Avril 16, 2008, 17:50:40 »

There's a post here somewhere about nearby gamers. You never know there might be someone in your area already on the map Grimaçant
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Grand Démon
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Messages: 552

DS Delivery' Service

« Répondre #6 le: Avril 16, 2008, 17:53:54 »

There's a post here somewhere about nearby gamers. You never know there might be someone in your area already on the map Grimaçant
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DARTH-SWEN, Acheteur obsessionnel, Peintre occasionnel
Occidentaux 23/487 (4.7%) - Démons 0/461 (0 %) - Sarrasins 62/484 (12.8 %) - Égares 0/388 (0%) - Mercenaires 147/456 (32.2%)
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Messages: 58

« Répondre #7 le: Avril 16, 2008, 17:55:33 »

If you can't read it YOUR BROWSERS TOO DARK LMAO!

Is that better!

I'm in Bushbury - just outside of Wolverhampton in the West Midlands.

MOD Fenris : pleased to see your enthusiasm, but please don't use full-caps for your titles, accordingly to the forum rules. Thanks.  Clin d'oeil
« Dernière édition: Mai 03, 2008, 03:40:29 par Doctor-Warlock » Signaler au modérateur   Journalisée

The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper . . .
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Messages: 14

« Répondre #8 le: Avril 20, 2008, 11:58:08 »

Is no one travelling up to Manchester who could give you a lift? Come on you Southrons!  Clin d'oeil


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Messages: 58

« Répondre #9 le: Avril 21, 2008, 00:32:46 »

Nothings finished yet either!

I'll be up for it if they do another one (there will most probably be two of us then)!
« Dernière édition: Mai 03, 2008, 03:39:55 par Doctor-Warlock » Signaler au modérateur   Journalisée

The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper . . .
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Messages: 351
« Répondre #10 le: Avril 21, 2008, 09:19:28 »

Nothings finished yet either!

I'll be up for it if they do another one (there will most probably be two of us then)!

Knowing Fanboy, they tend to do things like this every month.
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"A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit"
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