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Auteur Fil de discussion: english translation?  (Lu 12678 fois)
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Messages: 2

« le: Septembre 22, 2008, 04:51:47 »

So, is Asmodee going to be making an english translation of this game available in north america any time soon, or are they going to follow in Rakham's footsteps and keep a major phobia about supporting english players? I run a small gaming store in a town just outside of Toronto, Canada, and I'm always looking for interesting games to show off and see if they sell. I think I'd have a real problem selling a game that's not available in english and is extremely hard to find in north america.
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Messages: 183

« Répondre #1 le: Septembre 22, 2008, 08:49:14 »

Actually, they have a big phobia of the North American consumer market: Asmodee sell mainly family friendly games and they know that in the US, if they get linked to a game like Hell Dorado, it will hurt them greatly. This is a game that is very critical of religion (as there is no one true one but all of them work), that touches on the subject of demon worship, that has some very provocative illustrations, ... any of these could completely destroy their image.
So they are very reluctant to print an official rulebook with their name on it. We have been doing a lot of translation and are pushing very hard to get a nice soft-cover like the others. We are even prepared to print it ourselves with our own money if they give us the rights. Same for the cards. We offered that as a solution so that their name would only appear in the thanks and not on the cover to distance the mainstream games from this very 'hot' product.
So far we have not had a response one way or another (they will probably have to fight a few interesting internal politics battles before they can answer, but they have 2 weapons of power: Dominance and Croc's nail-studded board). Our point is that if we don't print the rules and cards, we cannot gain critical mass to a point where there are enough people to have some good tournaments and campaigns.
Please help us lobby Asmodee!
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Saracen, lost, demons, mercenaries, and one timeless traveler...
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Messages: 410

« Répondre #2 le: Septembre 22, 2008, 16:27:58 »

I think I'd have a real problem selling a game that's not available in english and is extremely hard to find in north america.
The game is already available in English (albeit not in a printed version), and Geof said the English cards should be available the same way by the end of the month. I know that's a very dead horse to beat, but that's everything you need to play the game Sourire

Of course a neat printed version would be very neat, but remember that Asmodée went to GenCon Indy last year ad that no distributor had the balls to agree on distributing the game. Perhaps the recent release was a turn off, perhaps the Asmodée folks there didn't know much in the ways to conduct a transaction in America, but certainly the very mature and very religions-bashing themes did not help. Everything would have been a lot smoother if the game's background had been a lot more mainstream (or if the US were not so uptight about politically correctness and religions), but I'm not sure it would have appealed to as many people.

I know how you feel though. I live in the US myself, I love the game and the models, but I can't get anyone involved further than a "ooooh neat minis!". I should demo it more, but time isn't really on my side these days. Two things could make the game more interesting to North American customers soon(-ish): the upcoming cards available for download, and the €uro's slow descent. I for one am really looking forward the latter, I'm tired of paying a premium just because the US$ is so low. Once the models are cheaper, people might forgive the lack of printed material more easily.
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[Official] tags indicate unofficial translations of official rulings.
mathieu thérézien, durham, NC
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Messages: 30

« Répondre #3 le: Septembre 22, 2008, 23:58:13 »

In our group there are 3 players, and we've all agreed if there will be no official support this game is DEAD. I need to know that if IM investing time and money in a game its not going to "die" on me.
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Messages: 351
« Répondre #4 le: Septembre 23, 2008, 00:39:08 »

The difference between this game being unofficial and dead is vast.

The situation with Confrontation is an example of a game that died.  It was cut down by its owners and destroyed.  People have huge piles of figures but no new rules to play.

Hell Dorado is official and supported.  Sure, the stuff will be in French but there will be new minis coming out, new updates, revisions, etc.  It is in no way dead, even if the lack of English rules will put off players*.  There will always be players (like myself and others) who are willing to do fan-translations and the like. 

Essentially, you still get all the rules and stuff needed to play, but don`t have to pay for it.   Grimaçant

(* I`m still not entirely sure why that puts people off.  If a games good then its good.  Ah well.)
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"A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit"
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Messages: 282

« Répondre #5 le: Septembre 23, 2008, 13:14:05 »

helldorado isnt dead or dying. its a french game which people have taken the time to translate and play. they arnt obliged produce things in english if they dont intend to have us as a target market. the game is small right now because alot of people are put off by french rules and the effort it might take to print stuff out blah blah blah! but you cannot compare it to confrontation. that was suicide and rackham have nobody to blame for themselves there. they turned a great game and some of the best figures in the world into a toys r us bargain bin special. unsupported with no releases and no rules and the game is dead. helldorado is making rules and figures constantly, just not in english which would be convenient if they did but they dont so either play as you have been using translated rules and wait for a english release that more than likely will happen in the fufute or simply dont play at all.

frankly the game is great and the models superb, its worth the little effort it might take to play without english rules actually printed on cards or a hardback english rulebook but all that stuff is available and for the cost of printing it out. not as fancy but still functionable.

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Night Hunter
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Messages: 32

« Répondre #6 le: Septembre 23, 2008, 21:33:30 »

I don't see the printed book as being too much of a problem- the official English translation online along with fanlation cards makes this a very affordable game to get up and running to any gaming group with a minimum of internet savvy-

What the real issue is is getting the miniatures.  If we are looking at the Rackham model, I felt the online store was a real bonus to their credit- and the offering of points and discounts etc.. to buyers.
The US problem I can speak to is the lack of stocked distribution- Fantazation has Hell Dorado minis listed, but rarely seems to have them in stock in a timely manner.  Growing a game requires access for stores, as stores are the ones that are best set up to promote products- and if they can make a little money off of a game I am pushing in their store they are usually very happy to help me out.  Right now no one is upset I play Hell Dorado in their store, but I can tell you they would be much more excited if they could at least order for customers in a timely manner- not the fault of Asmodee-

That said, the setting, miniatures and game design are too wonderful to pass up, and if you like it you should not let language or availability get in the way.  Use proxy models while your real ones ship from France and keep the game going!
Soon terraformation will be out in English and the real genius of the game will shine to those of us in North America-
Patience will be rewarded and dreams will be realized!
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Messages: 183

« Répondre #7 le: Septembre 24, 2008, 03:34:31 »

I sort of agree with the dying comment: if you don't have good professional support, you only have a small fringe of players. That means you cannot reach critical mass where you have some neat campaigns and highly disputed competitions. Without those, interest can only dwindle and players will turn to other games, which may not be quite as great, but have good support, following and activity.

A game can never be better than the people playing it. However great I think this game is, if the players around me play another game, I will follow. So I really want to get some good native support so that gamers can flock to Hell Dorado and we can organize some huge competitions with lots of prizes.

Then we can have a world cup here in Australia, you guys will come during your winter to play on the beach, drinking red backs and pure blondes, putting a few shrimps on the barbie, ... ahhh, the life!
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Sarrasins, égarés, démons, occidentaux, mercenaires, et un voyageur sans age...
Saracen, lost, demons, mercenaries, and one timeless traveler...
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Messages: 132

« Répondre #8 le: Septembre 24, 2008, 10:36:24 »

Saying the game is dead/dying/will never take off is missing the point; the Engish-speaking world isn't the target amrket for this game. It's apparently doing well enough in France to merit a reprint of the rulebook, so it's looks plenty alive to me. It's just that the UK and US markets are unaccustomed to having to translate a game into their own language. In Europe, translations are often done by the national distributors, not the original producer (I think the German version of Confrontation 2nd edition was done like this). I know I'm being unfair, since they likely don't have the resources, but I don't see Simple Miniature Games, or whoever's importing it into the US, putting out an English translation.
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Messages: 201

« Répondre #9 le: Septembre 24, 2008, 12:07:49 »

Language is not an excuse when it come to fun ...   Grimaçant.  you guys can always learn a bit of french  you know . imagine you are in a party  and some of the girls are french speakers ...   Tire la langue
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Messages: 183

« Répondre #10 le: Septembre 24, 2008, 13:19:15 »

Andrew, my concern is not that it works well in France, I live 15000 km away so good on them if they have people to play with and great support. I care about people *here* playing and having fun. And that's where it is in a very bad shape.
Lapiaz, I am French, I actually translated part of the book (scenarios and terraformation). Those translations are back with Geof after a couple of rounds of proof-reading, he'll have a last look at them and probably put them online very shortly.

I may seem very critical, but I assure you I am a fan and I'm actually *doing* something about it, with translations right now and maybe more in the future. I know that Asmodee is doing everything they can to reach our market in the right conditions, I'm just sometimes frustrated when it's a bit slow, that's all.
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Sarrasins, égarés, démons, occidentaux, mercenaires, et un voyageur sans age...
Saracen, lost, demons, mercenaries, and one timeless traveler...
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Messages: 132

« Répondre #11 le: Septembre 25, 2008, 00:54:14 »

Corto, I see your point. My point was that Asmodee might simply not care about Helldorado in the English-speaking world (I realise Geof does, but that's different).
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« Répondre #12 le: Septembre 25, 2008, 01:09:58 »

Actually, they do.
I can't really tell you more as nothing is official, but I can tell you that things are getting seriously discussed at all levels of the organization.
Watch this space.
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Sarrasins, égarés, démons, occidentaux, mercenaires, et un voyageur sans age...
Saracen, lost, demons, mercenaries, and one timeless traveler...
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Messages: 201

« Répondre #13 le: Septembre 25, 2008, 09:20:19 »

Andrew, my concern is not that it works well in France, I live 15000 km away so good on them if they have people to play with and great support. I care about people *here* playing and having fun. And that's where it is in a very bad shape.
Lapiaz, I am French, I actually translated part of the book (scenarios and terraformation). Those translations are back with Geof after a couple of rounds of proof-reading, he'll have a last look at them and probably put them online very shortly.

I may seem very critical, but I assure you I am a fan and I'm actually *doing* something about it, with translations right now and maybe more in the future. I know that Asmodee is doing everything they can to reach our market in the right conditions, I'm just sometimes frustrated when it's a bit slow, that's all.

 I help a bit on the proofreading of the english translation as well  , no as much as I would like . my group of players speak no french  at  all  but that don't stop them  picking up the game  and  bash up a quick translation  on the early days ...  we demoed  the game at Salute this year  and got a few (read lots)  interested  to pick up the game . Manchester  have another  group  playing  and helping with the translation ....
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Messages: 30

« Répondre #14 le: Septembre 25, 2008, 13:46:02 »

First off apologies, my above post was made when I was both exhausted and a bit tiddly. I did not mean to come across as so blunt. My point remains however, I am not prepared to play/invest time and money in a game where Im having to rely on "fan" translations, and then find Ive been playing it wrong, as has already happened in every game so fa. I like the game a lot, I think the minis are great and a delight to paint. But if its just going to be a "niche" game then Ill go elsewhere.
I also agree that there is no obligation at all to make it in English, its just a shame that Ive found it. Ignorance IS bliss.
« Dernière édition: Septembre 25, 2008, 13:48:25 par Junkenstein » Signaler au modérateur   Journalisée
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