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Auteur Fil de discussion: Bran Carnoth is ridiculously overpowered (or is he?)  (Lu 7134 fois)
l enchanteur
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Messages: 276

« Répondre #15 le: Mai 26, 2009, 12:38:21 »

Sadly, I think that the "pocession" thing wont be possible for very long: the french 1635 cards give him a "imunity: controled". Wich I think is a god thing, it is silly to loose nearly half your liste just beecause of a spell (and fyi: I play demon too! Grimaçant)!

For her  healing abilities, I don't think that will work very often: she has to be activated to be able to heal the GDA but with the damage Bran does and the two fights the GDA has to doo in his own turn, she won't have time to eaven do a vae and her healing order: the GDA will already be dead.
It can work with Samael, but you'll probably lose him in the fight too...
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Messages: 74

The Devil Inside

« Répondre #16 le: Mai 26, 2009, 14:47:14 »

I know this thread's about Sarassins but I thought I'd throw in my way of dealing with Bran; Asaliah! Launch two "possession" lemures out and watch as the big cowardly Bran avoids them like the plague! Haha! Demons rock! (she can also heal your Great Damned of Anger as he beats down on Bran, love that chick!)
Too bad that tactic doesn't work under the 1635 rules.

Bran has Immune: Controlled. No more possessing him.
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Messages: 282

« Répondre #17 le: Mai 26, 2009, 21:35:03 »

yeah that was about the only way my demons had of dealing with him without throwing 2 succubus and a grand damned of wrath at him.

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l enchanteur
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Messages: 276

« Répondre #18 le: Mai 26, 2009, 21:42:37 »

no... use the aura of the litller one of the two twins. and send him runig after eludos all the game (that is very funy!)
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Messages: 112

« Répondre #19 le: Mai 30, 2009, 11:57:59 »

No possession? Pleurs That sucks! Does make sense though, bah. I like the thought of using the Damned of Pride to make him chase crap things all game though! Sadly, our resident Lost player's completely lost interest in the game. Maybe I could buy his stuff and lay the smack down with Big B. If you can't beat 'em..............
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