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Auteur Fil de discussion: Official English rules  (Lu 8484 fois)
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Messages: 410

« le: Janvier 14, 2008, 17:08:28 »

For those of you who haven't checked out TGN today, the official English rules for Hell Dorado are now available!
(dial up warning: this is a pretty beefy file)
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[Official] tags indicate unofficial translations of official rulings.
mathieu thérézien, durham, NC
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Messages: 201

« Répondre #1 le: Janvier 14, 2008, 22:24:09 »

OOOOHHHHHHH   YYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!     F(*&^%$#@     YYYYYYEEEEESSSSSSSSS   !!!!!  being waiting  to long   

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Messages: 18

« Répondre #2 le: Janvier 15, 2008, 00:35:16 »

ditto ! Grimaçant
finally the official QSR ready to be downloaded, printed and read. thank you so much Asmodee !

thanks to this I may be able to convince some players around me to try this game who was whining about not being able to read the official rules. I cannot wait to start playing HD - the most anticipated skirmish for loooong time. yay ! ^^
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« Répondre #3 le: Janvier 15, 2008, 03:49:52 »

Thats so cool!!  This will definatley be in my binder at our next game night... cant wait for the rest of it in English!
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Messages: 57

« Répondre #4 le: Janvier 15, 2008, 15:56:21 »

Thats so cool!!  This will definatley be in my binder at our next game night... cant wait for the rest of it in English!

Yeah, hopefully this is a sign that an official translation of the book isn't too far behind. Now for accurately translated downloadable copies of English cards.
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Messages: 18

« Répondre #5 le: Janvier 16, 2008, 12:05:27 »

if the pdf is the part of the final version of the rulebook... we may predict we are going to see the english rulebook along with the february news. that'd be superb ! Icannot wait for this to happen Grimaçant

other than that I hope the english rulebook consists all of the erratas to the french book, anyone ? so far I didn't finish reading the pdf and I don't remember all the changes erratas made.
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Messages: 70

« Répondre #6 le: Janvier 16, 2008, 15:01:39 »

It doesn't include the Spiritual Damage one (that when a weapon does Spiritual Damage, that's the only damage type that can be used), but checking specific erratas is a bit difficult as the translation seems to have been reworded. OTOH that Spiritual Damage change could be included with profiles, so who knows if they have implemented it.
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Messages: 410

« Répondre #7 le: Janvier 16, 2008, 17:14:03 »

if the pdf is the part of the final version of the rulebook...
It is formatted as in the final version, but since the page numbers start at 1 I doubt it is directly from that final version.
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[Official] tags indicate unofficial translations of official rulings.
mathieu thérézien, durham, NC
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Messages: 29

« Répondre #8 le: Janvier 16, 2008, 18:26:37 »

good to see this from Asmodee! Now i need to dust off my HD stuff and get restocked on the last wave that i missed!

as edwards said above, lets hope we see the profiles translated soon!

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Messages: 8

« Répondre #9 le: Janvier 21, 2008, 12:44:51 »

(Hello everybody, my first post here!)

Greatttt! I've been waiting for this ever since I saw the very first HD mini on "Col. Marbles miniature review podcast".

The official rulebook translation was enough for me and my friend to order a bucketload of Hell Dorado minis from Germany (the closest shop we could find, no stockists in Finland, unfortunately). Especially the new "gourmet" demons look absolutely ah-ma-zing!
I think, at this moment, Hell Dorado has the best-looking minis of any miniature game around. Unfortunately this means that my credit card is straining on it's limit, and my painting schedule has gone to hell Tire la langue

Great looking pdf (printed it with professional color laser printer at work). Just a few awkward translations here and there, but nothing major. A couple of rules were a bit fuzzy, but I'll ask about those in the rules forum, after I've played a couple of games.

I love the background as well. Very original and interesting. Can't wait to read the final rulebook in English. I loved the bits in the English Background -forum, especially the "old man from mountains" and "slinger" were great. Full of sense of wonder, and mysteries. I'm a big fan of these "alternative history" -worlds. I think there's enough of generic fantasy games already, with just the word for "elf" or "dwarf" changed to something different.
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Mr. Murder
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Messages: 10

« Répondre #10 le: Janvier 21, 2008, 23:43:48 »

 ;DAwsome!!! I hope this means the english rulebook isn't far behind.  It's been takin all my willpower not 2 start buying everything I want to get. And that list keeps getting bigger with each new wave! Any news on if there will b english cards available seperatly 4 the minis alread out? I reeely want 2 pick some up.
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Messages: 8

« Répondre #11 le: Février 08, 2008, 00:25:57 »

Hi all,
Glad to see that what was ready has been put online for you all, enjoy playing !  The rest isn't too far behind, but the beginning of the year has been very busy for all those involved, so thank you all for your patience.
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Messages: 57

« Répondre #12 le: Février 08, 2008, 05:47:23 »

Hi all,
Glad to see that what was ready has been put online for you all, enjoy playing !  The rest isn't too far behind, but the beginning of the year has been very busy for all those involved, so thank you all for your patience.

Great news and we appreciate it!

Any word on when we will be able to see official translations of the cards for the minis that have currently been released?

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Magic Dave
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Messages: 44

WWW Courriel
« Répondre #13 le: Mars 16, 2008, 22:52:07 »

Played this set of rules and found that some of the abilitys on the cards that i have are different, in name mostley. Is there a card set that's up to date with this set of rules.
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Wargaming in Suffolk, UK.
« Répondre #14 le: Mars 16, 2008, 23:07:44 »

Played this set of rules and found that some of the abilitys on the cards that i have are different, in name mostley. Is there a card set that's up to date with this set of rules.

We have been using this with success:

gives a cross reference translation from French-English and English-French and has the old english terms and the official english terms listed.  It's very good and handy
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