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Auteur Fil de discussion: New potential player (Australia) looking for some help and info  (Lu 2955 fois)
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Messages: 3

« le: Janvier 15, 2008, 12:31:57 »

Hi everyone!

Been lurking on here for a little while, but now the official English rules are available, I think I'll make the plunge and buy some models and try some games.  I'm leaning towards the Sarassins based on the models - but can anyone give me a bit of an idea how the 4 main factions/armies play?
(I play Warmachine - the Lost seem to compare with Khador and the Westerners with Cygnar; is this pretty much the case?  What about the Sarassins and Demons?)  Can you run Mercenaries as a standalone list?

My one concern is with the cards - I have the translations of the starter set cards and the first(?) wave after that - are there English translations of the more recent models?

Background, etc. looks really interesting; I hope the fluff gets a translation as well.

Anyway, that's enough questions for now - thanks for reading this far...    Sourire

BTW - I'm in Australia (Melbourne) - anyone else out there?
If so, where did you get your models from?


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Messages: 70

« Répondre #1 le: Janvier 15, 2008, 12:58:56 »

Saracens are the jacks of all trades, so to speak. They have lots of synergy stuff going on and aren't quite as straightforwad as the other factions, but in capable hands they are a match for anything.

Westerners are about high armour and ranged combat, or at least more than the others.

Demons don't shoot and don't get wounded but rather chug along at full power right until the end. They also usually have very low protection values and lots of life points. They have a nice bag of tricks but those are usually quite easy to employ but hard to counter.

The Lost are the power houses. High points cost per mini but they also do lots of damage and are, all in all, rather scary.

Mercenaries can indeed be played as a standalone list and they seem to fit somewhere close to Saracens in that they have lots of tricks and lots of different options when it comes to the style of play.

These are, mind you, just general tendencies and all the factions support multiple play styles and offer lots of tactical opportunities wrt to synergy and fighters supporting one another in ingenious ways.
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« Répondre #2 le: Janvier 15, 2008, 14:40:47 »


I was so excited that you are in Australia  then I read you were in Melbourne,  Triste

Im in Perth  Triste
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Messages: 201

« Répondre #3 le: Janvier 15, 2008, 22:16:04 »

the card will be translated into english  I'm sure of that ... no so sure when  but  right now  it will be  easy to get help on the orders of the different models  so  shop around ...

game style  every faction have their  powerhorse and finnese  killing machine  some  rely on  Brute force  others demmand a bit more  synergy bewteen models . so far I found  demons and  Lost to be the  outrigh CC specialist  suported by  some nasty magic tricks specialy demons  lost  use more of their  movement ability to  shift they placement  arround the table and outflank  slowers  armies...  theya re not  as good at shoting  but have some nasty  template weapons and  bombs

  and Sarracens and  westener a bit more of    wolf pack  mentality.   with the members of  the company levitaing arround  models with  Auras or orders  that enhance  they combat  and  movement stats  missioners, Dijins ....   they are definitly better at shooting ...  but  shooting in this game  need to be  thinked  properly  to  maximise the effect  as many of the weapons   take a couple of turn to reload  or have limited amunition ...  and so far  none of my games  has lasted beyond the 4 turn ...

mercenaries can be played  alone   quite a rifraf  looking  gang  they look ( but as effective  as any faction)   ussing  Quichote  or  Rosinante  would allow you to  use  Sarracens and westener in the same company   wich I find quite cool ...

hope it help
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Morglum Ironhide
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Messages: 6

« Répondre #4 le: Janvier 19, 2008, 03:22:47 »

Hey hey!
I'm in Melbourne too.
Been keeping an eye on this game for a while, would love to give it a go some-time
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Messages: 183

« Répondre #5 le: Mars 12, 2008, 03:58:34 »

Hi all, I'm in Sydney and I speak fluent French so contact me if you want some info or a game.
For others in Sydney, the Tin Soldier will very shortly stock Hell Dorado. If you are still undecided, Murray or I (Guillaume) are very likely to be there on any given Thursday night so come in and have a chat.
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Sarrasins, égarés, démons, occidentaux, mercenaires, et un voyageur sans age...
Saracen, lost, demons, mercenaries, and one timeless traveler...
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