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Auteur Fil de discussion: Yet another post about the english version...  (Lu 2630 fois)
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Messages: 5

« le: Février 23, 2008, 12:21:47 »

Let me start of by saying the mini's look awsome! Wich pretty much drew me to this forum, so now the whinny part...Some Q's:

-Is there anything official on IF we are going to see an English Version?
-We dont have an official word on when we will see an english version?
-The PDF rules are fan made translations or a Work in Progress sample?
-There is a very descend german community out there, do they work with the french rules or is there anything out there in German?

Other then that, with english cards (even just PDF's) we could be off and waiting would be quite easy...Appreciate the work going into this thou!

EDIT: Just noted that in the Official English rules they are using the French Cards as an example...Does this just mean they dont have cards yet or that the PDF is simply going to be "the english conversion kit"?
« Dernière édition: Février 23, 2008, 13:54:10 par Brence » Signaler au modérateur   Journalisée
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Messages: 410

« Répondre #1 le: Février 23, 2008, 16:06:08 »

-Is there anything official on IF we are going to see an English Version?
-We dont have an official word on when we will see an english version?
-The PDF rules are fan made translations or a Work in Progress sample?
-There is a very descend german community out there, do they work with the french rules or is there anything out there in German?
1- A few thread clearly indicate that the work is in progress. This one in particular.

2- no.

3- the fancy looking .pdf rules are official.

4- As of now there's no official material in languages other than French. It is being worked on in English (see 1), and it is progressing (see 3)
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[Official] tags indicate unofficial translations of official rulings.
mathieu thérézien, durham, NC
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