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Auteur Fil de discussion: My first Helldorado miniatures  (Lu 7155 fois)
« Répondre #15 le: Mars 30, 2008, 21:08:26 »

likewise. love the sculpt. ive started painting my saracens this week, working on my blue djinn right now. my missis spoilt the image a bit when she said it looked like the genie in disneys aladin  Tire la langue

Sad to say, that was actually the point of my blue one  Sourire
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« Répondre #16 le: Avril 10, 2008, 16:59:48 »

Has anyone seen any other ideas? (I'm trying to resist the temptation to paint my djinn blue Sourire )
Here are a few from either monthly painting contests or threads in the painting section:
Holy warrior
Blue Jinn
Reddish Jinn
Natural (human) skin tone Jinn

The blue Djin is stunning, really well painted. I also really like the last link with the human skin tone merging
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« Répondre #17 le: Avril 12, 2008, 02:11:21 »

Hiya all!

I finally got around to painting my Sarracen army. Well, a part of it anyway.
Lots of other projects going on, finishing my Tau and Classic Marine armies for an upcoming tournament, and I bought a bucketload of Babylon 5 miniatures from Mongoose, as they're discontinuing "A Call to Arms". Last chance to get those..

Anyway, here they are:

 I'm probably not going to do much decoration to the bases, as I like to keep them simple. Too "busy" bases steal the focus out of the miniatures.

Really nice work, I'm still waiting for mine Triste

But definitely "Top Banana"!
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