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« Répondre #15 le: Juin 20, 2008, 18:13:37 »

On Wollfe's question regarding Rossinante, the nature of Rossinante's order has previously been discussed in the French language section, and it was pointed out that free enemy combattants are not obliged to charge.  According to the main rules, combattants have the option, in their activation, to do nothing.  So when they activate after Rossinate's order, they have the choice to charge/melee, or do nothing.

It is obviously still disruptive to your team, but at least they don't have to charge like lemmings.
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Messages: 45

« Répondre #16 le: Juin 22, 2008, 12:27:53 »

Against the Golem, just run away from it. It only moves 8" and Ben has to be near it. So when he is in range just use the Hassasin and or Cat to kill him tie him up. Make sure your using the Pillars daggers to good effect to soften the before they get to you and Nazirs protection is a big boost.
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Messages: 30

« Répondre #17 le: Juin 26, 2008, 20:38:21 »

HOw do I deal with grande damne de la colere (and whats that in English?) His stats in melee are scary, so Im guessing shooting? Any other ideas?
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Messages: 132

« Répondre #18 le: Juin 27, 2008, 00:04:28 »

gang up on him. Use Pillars of Faith and Spearmen, and maybe finish him off with a Hashishin. Use the Vae Soli order to activate two models one after the other.
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Messages: 183

« Répondre #19 le: Juin 27, 2008, 03:25:36 »

grand damne de la colere = greater damned of wrath
The best way to deal with it is to have high defense (or failing that high armor) people in its way. If you can get it to charge a Lancer's wall of blades, then the probabilities are with you. The thing with all wrath demons, is that they die easily. The greater wrath has a low defense and will take damage very fast. Unfortunately they do a huge amount of damage in the process, so if you can soften him up with daggers (for example) in order to only have one round of combat, it's perfect.
The main problem is if it comes with Samael, who can keep him alive for a long while... Then you have to bear the pain and hope your guys don't die too fast.
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Sarrasins, égarés, démons, occidentaux, mercenaires, et un voyageur sans age...
Saracen, lost, demons, mercenaries, and one timeless traveler...
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Messages: 30

« Répondre #20 le: Juin 27, 2008, 09:28:31 »

Thanks for that; Ill try it today I think. Wish me luck Grimaçant
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Messages: 45

« Répondre #21 le: Juin 27, 2008, 15:56:41 »

The best way IME is to shoot him and use grenades from the alchemist to reduce him to a point where he could die after the first combat he fights in thus negating his frenetic ability. Or you can use the stone shoes lemures with the princess to immobilize him but a sucubus is a better target
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« Répondre #22 le: Juin 29, 2008, 09:07:39 »

Actually he died like a puppy! Panther and assassin knocked him down and hurt him (he killed assain in return; I should have used Kitty first really). And the Pillar with sword finished him off. Kitty doesnt do much damage but sets things up nicely for others.
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Messages: 183

« Répondre #23 le: Juin 30, 2008, 02:30:54 »

Yes, the panther is great for that but it does need support: it needs a lot of re rolls to get the opponent on the ground, otherwise it sort of dies for nothing.
On the other hand, with a little luck you can have the big G immobilized by your kitty cat and at that point you can do the victory dance with extra happy hoots...
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Sarrasins, égarés, démons, occidentaux, mercenaires, et un voyageur sans age...
Saracen, lost, demons, mercenaries, and one timeless traveler...
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Messages: 30

« Répondre #24 le: Juillet 22, 2008, 23:36:50 »

Also, the Kitty is a target for the Demonic possesion spell, as he has faith "0", so he usually goes to the "dark side". Remember the Greater Demon of Wrath only gets 2 attacks on HIS attack, so if you attack HIM he only (ONLY!) attacks once.
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« Répondre #25 le: Juillet 23, 2008, 13:16:57 »

Only a slight mistake guys, the cat has - Faith meaning you cant possess it at all.
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