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Auteur Fil de discussion: 26th April 2008 (Saturday) Manchester Hell Dorado Tournament  (Lu 22865 fois)
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Messages: 351
« Répondre #75 le: Avril 25, 2008, 15:19:09 »

or a skillful combination of both.

"Waddya mean! Meatballs don`t count as rough terrain!"
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"A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit"
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Messages: 59

« Répondre #76 le: Avril 25, 2008, 16:47:44 »

Ive been painting like a mad man and have a spare lost and demons army for people to borrow, that said have stolen a couple of hordes players and they may be taken so that takes it upto seven at least.   Can people give me warning of what stuff you guys want as I didnt order any more grenadiers in thinking nobody wanted them.  Take one day off and they all go!!  WTF.  Yeah so if people could email the shop with requests that would make my life well easy.  Thanks
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Messages: 282

« Répondre #77 le: Avril 25, 2008, 20:24:48 »

i havent got my saracen army done in time sadly or i'd bring it as a spare too. been ill for the majority of this week so i have a good excuse at least.  Roulement des yeux

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Messages: 14

« Répondre #78 le: Avril 25, 2008, 21:14:26 »

Glasgow players ar confirmed as attending! Strikers at Grangemouth have failed to prevent Andrew, Jeff and I from coming so we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

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Messages: 29

« Répondre #79 le: Avril 26, 2008, 21:59:52 »

thanks to jacki for a great event 12 players in total, had a really good time (minus the 5hrs on a train)

managed to scrape a 4th outta a really bad 3rd round. mercs, with lancer, golem, grenider <sp> and sara with exploding lemures

my greater deamon barely made it into the 2nd turn of combat (turn 3 overall) it was a blood bath but great fun never the less Sourire Sourire

thanks again jacki
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« Répondre #80 le: Avril 26, 2008, 22:59:18 »

Thanks indeed to jacki for a good days gaming i had fun (despite gettin my ass handed to me). It was nice to finaly play the game instead of just drooling over the miniatures.
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Messages: 132

« Répondre #81 le: Avril 26, 2008, 23:27:52 »

Phew! made it back to Glasgow, finally. Thanks for organising that; 'twas fun.
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Messages: 282

« Répondre #82 le: Avril 26, 2008, 23:40:38 »

had a great game, not sure how i placed 3rd, i felt like i bungled my way through every game. thanks to my opponents, dogmeat, richard and ron for putting up with me and my less than fantastic understanding of the rules (part of my brain still tries to activate models like in confrontation) and cheers to jacky for organising it, a great turnout for the first tournie hopefully this will get better and better. cant make the next one because im in france but i'll move mountains to make it as often as possible.

lessons learned today

1) re read the rule book and understand it better
2) dopplesoldners are filth and i hate them
3) succubus is the shizzle and i WUV them (PM will get me my 2nd)
4) demons of greed are pap and seldom worth taking
5) having to focus and not move to poop out a lemure is irritating, in a 4 turn game your lucky to get one spell off which seldom does much. rethink officers role on the table
6) read the scenario sheet and keep it in mind during play. i could maybe have done better had i done this from game 1 onwards and not game 2  Roulement des yeux
7) combat is so very very brutal, getting carried away with my grand dammed of wrath gets him killed whilst achieving little. he looks hard and 20 hit points seems alot but it melts away in moments.
Cool demons lack of PR is horrible. without asaliahs healing order i'd have died to the last man in proberly every game.
9) westerners abundance of PR is equally horrible, it takes forever to kill anything and that makes me sad  Pleurs
10) and finally and most importantly i learned that a subway BMT with sweet onion sauce ruins your shirt without you knowing. karma for not taking my first love - the meatball n cheese sub.

great day out. cheers  Grima&ccedil;ant
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Messages: 11

« Répondre #83 le: Avril 27, 2008, 11:27:16 »

Hi guys just woke up eventually got home. Just wanted to thank Jacky for a great event and also everyone i played giving me enjoyable games that i wouldn't have minded losing, a bloodbath in every round. so thanks again look forward to seeing and playing you all again soon.
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Messages: 132

« Répondre #84 le: Avril 27, 2008, 13:48:27 »

10) and finally and most importantly i learned that a subway BMT with sweet onion sauce ruins your shirt without you knowing. karma for not taking my first love - the meatball n cheese sub.

great day out. cheers  Grima&ccedil;ant

Yours must just have been unruly; I managed fine. Sourire
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Messages: 14

« Répondre #85 le: Avril 27, 2008, 23:32:47 »

Maverick subs... I had my first Subway for almost 14 years - the veggie delite with everything and the sweet onion sauce (henceforth know as the Jeff Special) Tasty.

Thanks to Richard, Dogmeat and Bork for 3 great games and thanks to Jackey and all at FB3 for a great day.

My wife asked me what I want for my birthday next week - I told her to go to Static games and buy me a box. "No love, it's spelled D, O, double P..."

Can't make the next one as it's my brother-in-law's wedding and herself'd notice if I slipped out for 18 hours. Yes she would Jeff.

see y'all soon though.



in da

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Messages: 351
« Répondre #86 le: Avril 28, 2008, 23:11:50 »

I`m not a sore loser, honest!

Got home on Saturday to find my internet conenction has died.  Grr!

Anyway, three good games against three great opponents.
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"A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit"
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