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Auteur Fil de discussion: Wave 6  (Lu 17237 fois)
Grand Démon
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Messages: 552

DS Delivery' Service

« Répondre #30 le: Mai 07, 2008, 13:20:47 »

I dont think the demons of flesh and the mourner will be in the same box...
Every extension wave presented the same configuration: One box per faction.

Wave 6 will not be the exception to this rule so it is definitively confirmed: the Mourner and the Demon of Flesh will be into the same box regarless their relative rank.

You may argue there is a mix between independant and trouper into the same box (which is new). And you will be right. But you have to keep in mind these wave is supposed to be the last one for most of the factions and these two profils where the only still available for the Demons.
« Dernière édition: Mai 07, 2008, 13:22:23 par Darth-Swen » Signaler au modérateur   Journalisée

DARTH-SWEN, Acheteur obsessionnel, Peintre occasionnel
Occidentaux 23/487 (4.7%) - Démons 0/461 (0 %) - Sarrasins 62/484 (12.8 %) - Égares 0/388 (0%) - Mercenaires 147/456 (32.2%)
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Messages: 282

« Répondre #31 le: Mai 07, 2008, 13:29:02 »

fair play i just assumed because we hadnt had a box with an independant and a trooper in that we wouldnt get them together now. dont really mind as i wanted both minis anyways  Grimaçant
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Grand Démon
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Messages: 552

DS Delivery' Service

« Répondre #32 le: Mai 07, 2008, 13:52:53 »

regarding the wave 6, I just would like to remind you this wave has been offcially delayed for many good reasons (the happiest one is the recent paternity of JAG and Thomas David, both sculptors and painters for this game).

It will be sold out end of August rahter than End of June as initialy planned.

Be also aware the wave 7 will be composed of 1 entexsion box for the Lost faction and four or five boxes (TBC) for the Mercenaries.  It will be the last one proposing profils from the current rulebook.
« Dernière édition: Mai 07, 2008, 13:54:55 par Darth-Swen » Signaler au modérateur   Journalisée

DARTH-SWEN, Acheteur obsessionnel, Peintre occasionnel
Occidentaux 23/487 (4.7%) - Démons 0/461 (0 %) - Sarrasins 62/484 (12.8 %) - Égares 0/388 (0%) - Mercenaires 147/456 (32.2%)
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Messages: 49

« Répondre #33 le: Mai 07, 2008, 14:01:52 »

will wave 7 be out in sept then?

I'm really glad that they've come out and been honest to us about this.
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Grand Démon
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Messages: 552

DS Delivery' Service

« Répondre #34 le: Mai 07, 2008, 14:05:15 »

will wave 7 be out in sept then?
Keeping a two months gap between each wave I expect the wave 7 more for the end of October.
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DARTH-SWEN, Acheteur obsessionnel, Peintre occasionnel
Occidentaux 23/487 (4.7%) - Démons 0/461 (0 %) - Sarrasins 62/484 (12.8 %) - Égares 0/388 (0%) - Mercenaires 147/456 (32.2%)
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Messages: 49

« Répondre #35 le: Mai 07, 2008, 14:08:59 »

will wave 7 be out in sept then?
Keeping a two months gap between each wave I expect the wave 7 more for the end of October.

theres a 2 month gap you say?

I've only just got into this game a week before the last release, so looks like I got into it at just the right time. shame it's a while for the next releases. but shall give me plenty of time to paint, purchase the deamons and paint them.
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Messages: 351
« Répondre #36 le: Mai 07, 2008, 14:16:41 »

will wave 7 be out in sept then?
Keeping a two months gap between each wave I expect the wave 7 more for the end of October.

theres a 2 month gap you say?

I've only just got into this game a week before the last release, so looks like I got into it at just the right time. shame it's a while for the next releases. but shall give me plenty of time to paint, purchase the deamons and paint them.

Demons ?  Thought you were a Saracen player ?
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"A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit"
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Messages: 59

« Répondre #37 le: Mai 07, 2008, 14:27:49 »

It's the lure of boobies, it gets us all in the end.....
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Messages: 49

« Répondre #38 le: Mai 07, 2008, 15:29:11 »

well, I get paid well, it's either that or buy that private number palte I've been eyeing up  Lèvres scellées
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Messages: 282

« Répondre #39 le: Mai 07, 2008, 18:13:17 »

demons are great go with demons.
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Messages: 49

« Répondre #40 le: Mai 07, 2008, 19:04:00 »

ha ha bork just does not want to lose to me again Tire la langue
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Messages: 282

« Répondre #41 le: Mai 07, 2008, 20:03:02 »

i still cry when i see TNB pig riders  Roulement des yeux
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Messages: 396

In vermiis veritas

« Répondre #42 le: Mai 07, 2008, 22:15:45 »

Hey Guys,

New to the game and I've picked up all the Demon releases todate.

I checked out the wave 6 demon release - Demons: x1 Demon of flesh  (troupers) and x1 Mourner (independant)

I'm concerned  mixing troopers with independants.  If I want to run multiple trooper models I don't want to pay for multiple indpendant models that I cannot use or do  not want to field more than one....

How many Mourners can you field?



Hi Jim, be welcome. I think I read something from you on the Pulp City board...

As it was stated, you can field two mourners. As for the damned of flesh, you have to keep in mind that Hell Dorado is a skirmish game, and fielding more than 3 same troopers can be quite boring.

I hope you'll enjoy the game!
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Ibant obscuri sola sub nocte.
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Messages: 282

« Répondre #43 le: Mai 08, 2008, 10:42:41 »

i find it so hard to double up on things because it means you cant usually fit everything else you want in if you do.
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Messages: 183

« Répondre #44 le: Mai 09, 2008, 03:00:35 »

Besides, while the mourner is very powerful in an appropriate company, having 2 absolutely makes no sense as her main power is to make all Command spendings permanent and that would not stack so the second one would be rather useless.
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Sarrasins, égarés, démons, occidentaux, mercenaires, et un voyageur sans age...
Saracen, lost, demons, mercenaries, and one timeless traveler...
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