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Auteur Fil de discussion: Why is no one talking about.........  (Lu 16196 fois)
Grand Démon
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Messages: 552

DS Delivery' Service

« Répondre #60 le: Août 19, 2008, 12:48:11 »

Swap her club for a sword and viola! Second fencer! She's the man! ( even if she is a hot, sexy, female man....)
Sounds like a good idea. I am looking forward to see your conversion for it...

Now, from a gaming point of view, I have some trouble with this idea.

- it could be confusing for your adversary to see Hell Moller played as a Fencer. Now, during friendly game, no problem. For an official tournament it could be an issue.

- Remember the Fencer has to be a man as mentioned on his recruitment card. You may argue it is just a gender detail but against a Succubus, this detail makes all the difference...
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DARTH-SWEN, Acheteur obsessionnel, Peintre occasionnel
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Messages: 112

« Répondre #61 le: Août 19, 2008, 22:40:43 »

She could be lesbian........
I'd be using Demons in any tournament play anyway! They're far better painted and I've used them a lot more. Also, they kick so much more bum than those puny humans anyway, so far......
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Messages: 112

« Répondre #62 le: Août 22, 2008, 14:50:02 »

Right, Moller's cool as. Seeing her painted, she would look infinitely harder than the current fencer!
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Messages: 351
« Répondre #63 le: Août 22, 2008, 15:23:58 »

I`m wondering if the fact something is Male, Female, or Asexual is taken into account with the models costing.  I would assume that as time goes by we`ll have more things that are based on sex rather than just the succubuses specials so that it balances out.

A nice alternative art card of the generic models but of the opposite sex would be nice.  I`d rather keep the named characters the "right" sex though.
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"A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemones ducit"
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Messages: 112

« Répondre #64 le: Août 23, 2008, 14:07:40 »

It would be cool to have male/female versions of each non-unique independant, except maybe an incubus instead of a succubus. Pure Chippendale style dude! In friendly games I doubt there'd be any problems using a model of different sex anyway, and in tournaments, well, it's understandable why you couldn't.
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Grand Démon
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Messages: 1221

Breizh Team

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« Répondre #65 le: Septembre 01, 2008, 18:22:33 »

It would be cool to have male/female versions of each non-unique independant

Not so cool for game balance, as there is currently no advantage in being a male. This might change in the future, though.
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